

Christopher Matthews 2014-02-24
5年前,雷曼兄弟的倒闭启动了全球金融危机的多米诺骨牌。美联储曾声称,当时已经无力救助这家投行。但最近公布的会议纪要显示,美联储当时的不作为是伯南克主动选择的结果。 正如一些学者所说,这个决定是美联储历史上最严重的错误之一。

    2008年9月15日是金融危机的分水岭时刻,自此世界大部分地区经济持续不振,至今仍在复苏之中。当天,政府官员做了紧急安排,投资银行美林(Merrill Lynch)卖给美国银行(Bank of America),同时批准另一家银行雷曼兄弟申请破产。



    September 15, 2008 was a watershed moment for the financial crisis that consigned much of the world to an economic malaise from which we are still recovering. That day, government officials hastily arranged a sale of investment bank Merrill Lynch to Bank of America (BAC), while another bank -- Lehman Brothers -- was allowed to file for bankruptcy.

    The failure of Lehman Brothers sent shockwaves through the global financial system, accelerating the crisis until leaders of the seven largest economies met on Oct. 10 and pledged to not let any more systemically important financial institutions go under. This promise led to the eventual passage of TARP and the much-maligned bank bailouts that, while politically unpopular, helped the world avoid a Great Depression-style meltdown.

    Here's a slide from Ben Bernanke's 2012 lecture on the Federal Reserve's response to the crisis. It shows just how much this concerted action helped calm financial markets and dampen the severity of the crisis:        




    The chart shows the interest rates banks required to lend to each other overnight, an excellent measure of overall stress in the financial system. While they were at elevated rates going back to the middle of 2007, it was really Lehman's failure that sent financial markets into panic mode and the promise of government backstops that calmed the markets and set the stage for a recovery.

    Given this picture, the decision to not even attempt to use whatever government powers were available to save Lehman Brothers is questionable. Ben Bernanke and other officials have claimed that they did not have the necessary tools to save Lehman. In the case of the Treasury Department, this may be accurate. TARP had not yet been passed and Secretary Hank Paulson didn't have a huge pot of money to pump into Lehman, as it later would with other major banks.
