

Cyrus Sanati 2013-08-30





    Meanwhile, fears of Syrian reprisals are totally overblown. Indeed, Syrian leaders are unlikely to launch a counterattack against its neighbors (Israel) or the U.S. as such a response would only serve to weaken the government's position vis-a-vis the Syrian opposition. Syria has stood by and taken its lumps as Israel launched limited attacks on its soil over the last two years as it knows that any counterattack would unleash a world of pain. The Syrian government has its hands full fighting its own people, it can't take on the world as well.

    Therefore, the markets would be wise to ignore Syria's propaganda machine, which claims that a Western attack on its soil would instantly inflame the region. The reality is that Syria has no allies left in the region, save for probably Iran, but even that relationship is a tenuous one. There is pretty much zero chance that Iran would attack U.S. on behalf of Syria -- it simply isn't worth it. Besides, contrary to popular belief, Iran would probably welcome the fall of the Bathist regime in Syria as it would almost certainly be replaced with one with a (democratically elected) Islamist government that the Mullahs in Tehran could more easily control, as is currently the case with Iraq.

    At the same time, the U.S. and Europe already have a strict oil embargo against Iran, so Tehran has no economic leverage to prevent an attack. Sure, Tehran could threaten to stop selling oil into the international markets, driving up oil prices across the world, but, again, it just isn't worth it. Iran can't afford to lose one dime of oil revenue since the West tightened sanctions last year. It needs that money to support the economically crippling subsides that Iranians have come to expect. Any further pullback could ignite a popular revolt inside Iran, something that the Mullahs are deathly afraid of.

    The Syrian government is hanging on by a nail -- a loose and rusty one. A U.S. assault on its chemical weapons pile will take an unstable element out of what has become a nasty civil war. Sure, Syria and the U.S. will try to scare one another in the coming weeks with talk of big attacks and counterattacks but the markets should know better.
