

Matt Hedrick/Moshe SilverHenry 2013-06-18






    投资思路:通过安硕(iShares)基金(EWG)在德国股市做多,通过PowerShares的DB German Bund Futures票据(BUNL)做空德国政府债券。




    最近,英国消费品零售额和工业产值上升,储蓄率同时下降,表明英国经济更为景气——或者我们应该说“约翰•牛气冲天”( 约翰•牛是英国人的代称)?此外,英国楼市也已已经开始出现上升趋势。


Opportunities by Region

    Germany: It is all too rarely acknowledged that, so far, the Common Market and its descendants -- including the EC and the Eurozone -- have accomplished their primary objective, which was to remove incentives for France and Germany to go to war with each other. With the ascent of French president Hollande the détente is nowhere near so close as during the days of "Merk-ozy." Nonetheless, the two nations combine to represent half the Eurozone's economic output, and their joint -- or conflicting -- interests should continue to dominate the sclerotic policy scene.

    We see this as a net positive for Germany, where we are bullish. German culture is work-oriented -- French youths turn up their noses at the notion of becoming apprentices to German machine-shop operators, with the consequence that more Germans have jobs, while more Frenchmen continue to feel superior.

    Germany's export economy benefits from current weakness in the Euro, and it has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the Euro area.

    Germany is a particularly bright spot, and one of the few countries where expectations are on the rise. It will remain the European "safe haven." If, as we strongly anticipate, Angela Merkel is re-elected this fall and if, as we strongly anticipate, the German court gives the go-ahead for the OMT, Germany should continue very much in the ascendant.

    Investment idea: Long Germany through iShares Germany (EWG) and Short German government bonds through PowerShares DB German Bund Futures (BUNL).

    France: We are bearish on France, where President Hollande appears decidedly anti-business. He currently enjoys a mere 24% approval rating -- the country slid back into recession in the first quarter and only 5% of the French think things will improve. "Fifty million Frenchmen can't be wrong," they say. We agree with their dour outlook and would be short this economy. C'est la vie.

    Investment idea: Short France through iShares France (EWQ)

    Britain: The first economy to impose austerity, we think the UK will be the first to emerge. Bullish elements -- aside from an actual pick-up in growth in the first quarter -- include new central banker Mark Carney, who has expressed his desire for greater transparency, and the pro-business stance of the Cameron government. Its distance from the Eurozone -- both political and monetary -- give it great flexibility, and its import-heavy economy stands to benefit as the prices of commodities continue to deteriorate.

    Recent increases in retail sales figures and industrial production, together with a dip in the savings rate, signal greater bullishness -- or should we say "John Bullishness"? -- in the UK, and the housing market has turned up as well.

    Investment idea: Long the UK through iShares United Kingdom (EWU).
