

Mohamed El-Erian 2013-01-31





    这一做法着实高明,它立即平息了保守党内反对声渐起的少数派群体;拉拢了选民,让他们远离英国独立党(UK independence Party)及该党派极具煽动性的领袖杰尔・法拉奇;同时警告法、德一意孤行、采取扩大欧元区措施可能会产生的后果。而目前欧元区核心国由27个欧盟国之中的17个国家组成。



    In one big lunge, UK Prime Minister Cameron's promise of an in/out referendum on membership of the European Union has made explicit a number of simmering issues that are both complex and consequential -- for Britain and well beyond.

    Since the first stages of the nation's participation in the EU, Britain has viewed membership as a means to an end -- namely, securing the upside of the welfare-enhancing trade that comes with free access to hundreds of millions of relatively well-off consumers on the continent.

    While this may influenced their thinking, this was not the major motivator for other key EU members (particularly, France and Germany). For them, economic and political union was, and remains, an end in itself. It is driven by both internal and external considerations: an ever-closer union that decisively overcomes the threat of war on a continent that historically has seen way too many of them (a success recently underlined by the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the EU) and that competes on a more equal footing with other large economic powers (initially the United States and now China too).

    This simple distinction between Britain and other EU members also explains the strikingly opposing reactions triggered by the eurozone's debt crisis. For Britain, it calls for revisiting the terms of its relationship with Europe given that the economic payoff is now lower (both immediate and in net present value terms). For France and Germany, it is about the need for even deeper regional integration, supplementing monetary union with greater fiscal union, political integration, and banking union.

    Ironically, Prime Minister's Cameron's referendum initiative links the two in an ultimately incompatible fashion.In his speech last week, Cameron identified a three-step path to govern EU membership should the Conservative Party lead the next government: Assess how the eurozone evolves; secure better terms for Britain; and put the package to an in/out referendum in 2017.

    In a rather clever way, the approach serves immediately to pacify an increasingly vocal minority of the Conservative Party; limit voter defection to the UK independence Party and its firebrand leader Nigel Farrage; and warn France and Germany about the consequences of going too far with measures to better integrate the eurozone, which constitutes the 17-member inner core of the 27-member EU.

    But the referendum is also an attempt to reconcile increasingly inconsistent national and regional priorities. In attempting to do so now in this way, Cameron can score some internal political points by risking some reduction in the country's growth, given that long-gestation investments will now carry a higher medium-term risk premium on account of the increased uncertainties about EU membership.

    Needless to say, the referendum was not received with much enthusiasm on the continent, and understandably so. At the minimum, it complicates ongoing efforts to overcome the region's debt crisis. It could also detract from the eurozone's multi-year recovery process, structural elements of which need to be put in place rapidly.
