

Stephen Gandel 2013-01-30


    3)2006年评价时代华纳(Time Warner):“伟大的传媒公司需要远见卓识的领导者,而不是把总部设在哥伦布环岛,只会放马后炮。”【全面披露:《财富》杂志(Fortune )为时代华纳所有,而且仍设在时代华纳的洛克菲勒中心办公室内。】




    2) Talking about fellow corporate raider Ron Perelman during the fight over comic book creator Marvel in 1998: "He was like a plumber you loan money to get him started in business; then he comes in, wrecks your house, then tells you he wants the house for nothing.''

    3) On Time Warner (TWX) in 2006: "A great company in the media business needs visionary leaders, not a conglomerate structure headquartered in Columbus Circle that second guesses." (Full disclosure: Fortune is owned by Time Warner, and is still located in the company's Rockefeller Center offices.)

    4) Highlighting the board and CEO of Yahoo (YHOO) as an example of the main reason why the U.S. economy is broken in 2008: "I have long been cynical about the effectiveness of many of the boards and CEOs in this country and as a result the inability of our companies to compete . . . yet even I am amazed [by] Jerry Yang and the Yahoo board . . . ."

    5) On Ackman: "I appreciate, Bill, that you called me a great investor. I thank you for that. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for you."
