

Janet Morrissey 2012-06-08
社交网站Facebook IPO惨败,股价现已破发27%,这吓倒了其他正在筹划上市的公司。目前,总部位于康涅狄格州诺沃克的旅游搜索引擎服务商Kayak准备暂缓IPO计划。




    An even bigger risk is if search engines, such as Google, change their search algorithms to direct people to their own travel services rather than Kayak's site. If this happens, "our ability to attract advertising dollars could be negatively impacted," the company said in the filing.

    Bard says Kayak can afford to wait for its IPO. "This is a company that is not in dire need of capital. They don't have debt. They don't need to raise capital to grow the business," he says. Venture capitalists, who funded Kayak, are likely the ones pushing the IPO so that they can cash out all or part of their investment. "They have a certain valuation that management and the VCs think the business is worth, and to get that done in this market, they would have to double or triple the discount in this environment," says Bard. "The real issue is getting the valuation after Facebook scared off investors."
