

Kevin Kaiser 2011-12-20









    As Keen puts it, neoclassical economists are "wedded to the belief that capitalism is inherently stable. They cannot bring themselves to consider the alternative perspective that capitalism is inherently unstable, and that the financial sector causes its most severe breakdowns."

    Rather than expanding the range of phenomena that economics can explain, the leading edge of neoclassical theory focuses on defending the core beliefs from the attacks of ancillary views. It is truly a degenerative science, if economics can be considered a science at all. True sciences expand and evolve: genetics, psychology, quantum mechanics, astronomy. Economics defends itself – it is an ideology.

    On scientific progress, German physicist Max Planck said that, "Science advances one funeral at a time." And Keen concurs: "You cannot persuade people who believe a mythical vision of reality and their whole lives are dedicated to believing that way."

    As it pertains to the leadership of our globally-interconnected economy, we're more optimistic. The American people's frustration demands a faster rate of change than "one funeral at a time." Whereas academic economists move at a glacial pace (if they are moving at all), the people are unafraid of change – they will fold a losing hand. Public opinion polls have shown for some time the dissatisfaction of the American people with Bernanke's performance, for instance.

    Americans want to stop playing with perennial losers, while potential winners are left on the bench.

    Including concepts from complexity theory, evolutionary economics, Austrian economics, Post-Keynesian economics, and other alternative economic schools – all shunned by today's monetary and fiscal policy leaders – would be a positive change on the margin. What we need is an economic theory that is more relevant to a modern capitalist economy – one that embraces uncertainty and disequilibrium, is grounded upon realistic assumptions, is judged by the accuracy of its predictions, and where debt and money are implicit, important factors.

    Like Wall Street 1.0, Economics 1.0 is broken and has to evolve. Keen aptly states, "If economics is to become less of a religion and more of a science, then the foundations of economics should be torn down and replaced." We are on the way.
