

Claire Zillman 2019-04-15


她也在个人有史以来的第一条推文中不动声色地宣布了这件事。“很高兴能把我在《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)和蓝色起源公司(Blue Origin)的全部股权以及两人共同持有亚马逊股票的75%和我对股票的投票控制权都给杰夫。”




The most expensive divorce on record was finalized on April 4 between Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and his wife MacKenzie, a novelist who played a part in the retail giant’s success from the get-go.

She announced the news matter-of-factly in her first-ever tweet. “Happy to be giving [Jeff] all of my interests in the Washington Post and Blue Origin, and 75% of our Amazon stock plus voting control of my shares.”

Left unsaid is that the 25% of the couple’s Amazon stock that she’s keeping—equal to 4% of the company overall—is currently worth $36.5 billion. The windfall—which she’s set to receive in 90 days or so—will catapult her into the upper echelon of the world’s richest people. At the moment, it puts her at No. 23 on the Bloomberg Billionaire Index—two spots ahead of casino magnate and Republican mega-donor Sheldon Adelson, for reference. Among women, she’s No. 4.

Bezos, as you can imagine, seems ready to move on from this stage, which has seen her husband’s extramarital escapades become headline news. “Grateful for the past as I look forward to what’s next,” she said.

But let’s dwell on this for a moment. There are so few female billionaires, it’s worth noting when one joins the rarefied club.

加州洛杉矶,1月6日:亚马逊首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯(左)和麦肯齐·贝佐斯出席西恩·潘的J/P海地救济组织(J/P HRO)晚宴。该晚宴的目的是为J/P海地救济组织和灾难救助组织联盟(Coalition of Disaster Relief Organizations)筹资,晚宴于2018年1月6日在加州洛杉矶的米尔克工作室(Milk Studios)举办。这对夫妇当时也许关系还不错。图片来源:Photo by Greg Doherty Patrick McMullan via Getty Image

根据《福布斯》(Forbes)上个月的最新统计数据,世界上有2153位亿万富翁; 其中只有244名是女性。在这些女性亿万富翁中,只有约四分之一的人钱是自己赚来的。


无论你对亿万富翁有什么看法——他们现在并不是太受欢迎——但是当财富、尤其是大笔财富被女性掌控时,会产生重要的影响。当然,银行账户上的大额数字本身就意味着与生俱来的权力,再加上女性在管理财富时往往表现出令人钦佩的品质。比如说,摩根士丹利的一项调查显示,女性对“可持续”投资的兴趣高于男性——84%对67%。经济学人智库(Economist Intelligence)和RBC财富管理公司(RBC Wealth Management)发现,高资产净值女性在考虑慈善捐赠时,将“能够产生最大影响”列为首要因素。男性选哪个?税收优惠。



By Forbes’ most recent count last month, there were 2,153 billionaires in the world; of them, just 244 were women. Of those female billionaires, only about a quarter are self-made.

The dearth of uber-wealthy women has been probed for years now, and some of the explanations won’t exactly knock your socks off: women are underrepresented in the C-Suite and remain marginalized in the venture capital universe. Women’s aversion to risk—whether in investing or entrepreneurialism—is also sometimes considered a factor.

No matter your feelings about billionaires—they aren’t exactly the most popular bunch these days—it matters when money, not to mention gigantic sums of it, ends up in women’s control. There is, of course, the inherent power that comes with a big bank account, plus women tend to display admirable traits when managing their wealth. They are, for instance, more interested than men in “sustainable” investing—84% versus 67%, according to a Morgan Stanley survey. And The Economist Intelligence and RBC Wealth Management found that high-net-worth women cited ‘the ability to make the greatest impact’ as their top factor in charitable giving. Men’s? Tax benefits.

No doubt it’ll be fascinating to see what MacKenzie Bezos does with her newfound individual fortune. She hinted that she has things in the works on Thursday—“Excited about my own plans,” she said—so we may not have to wait long to find out.
