特斯拉Model 3推出“赛道模式”,车手能“漂移”了

特斯拉Model 3推出“赛道模式”,车手能“漂移”了

Dvdid Z. Morris 2018-08-08
新添加的“赛道模式”是高性能版Model 3的特色之一。不过特斯拉明确表示,该功能不适合通勤途中使用。

特斯拉(Tesla)Model 3最诱人的功能之一添加了新细节——在“赛道模式”下,这款车不再只是速度快,而更像《速度与激情8》里的定制赛车。赛道模式是高性能版Model 3的特色之一,还配备了双电机和四驱功能,售价为6.4万美元至7.8万美元。上个月开始,该款已开始向商家和用户供货。

今年5月,特斯拉的首席执行官埃隆·马斯克曾表示,高性能版Model 3“将秒杀任何同类车型”,也就是奥迪A5和宝马3系等入门级跑车。马斯克之所以信心十足,该车型强劲的动力也是原因之一——独立测试表明,高性能版Model 3的0-100公里加速时间居然仅需3.3秒。


但光凭加速度强劲征战赛道还不够,而且实际上赛道模式并未真正提升Model 3的性能。正如汽车杂志《Road and Track》详细披露的最新道路测试结果,该模式改变的是车辆的刹车和操控方式,从而让技艺高超的驾驶者获得更多的灵活性。这其中就包括降低制动防抱死系统(ABS)等安全系统的反应速度,也就是高速行驶时干预操控的功能。

该模式调整了Model 3的再生制动系统,车辆在转弯时重心前移,从而实现过度转向,也就是通常说的“漂移”。类似操控机制和速度关系不大,更多是提升驾驶的乐趣。据《Road and Track》介绍,高性能版Model 3进一步强化了类似无聊好玩的功能。测试员鲍勃·索罗卡尼奇写道:“没有掩盖一切声响的引擎轰鸣。”驾驶者在感知汽车牵引力并做出反应时“将有全新体验,在轰然作响的燃油车里绝无可能。”

当然,在赛道上释放激情需要能量。赛道模式也会限制输出功率,确保Model 3的部件温度维持较低水平,从而稳定运行。这也意味着在连续跑3-4圈后,Model 3的动力会稍微减弱,但不至于令人扫兴。

电池续航能力方面,索罗卡尼奇的报告说,在赛道上疾驰了“整整一上午”后(测试者用了两辆车,只在换车时稍事休息过几次),测试使用的Model 3还能行驶40英里左右。

特斯拉明确表示,该功能不适合通勤途中使用。选择赛道模式后,中控屏上会出现警告,提醒驾驶者该功能“仅限封闭赛道”。由于特斯拉有无线升级(over-the-air)系统,该功能仍在微调。但索罗卡尼奇表示,就算不升级,高性能版Model 3也已成为“世界上首款真正具有赛车性能的电动跑车。”(财富中文网)




New details have emerged about one of the most lusted-after features of the Tesla Model 3: a “Track Mode” that makes the car handle less like a very fast sedan, and more like a custom racer from The Fast and the Furious. Track Mode is included in the Performance version of the Model 3, the $64,000-$78,000 top-of-the-line model which also includes dual-motor All Wheel Drive. It started reaching showrooms and buyers last month.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk claimed back in May that the Performance Model 3 would “beat anything in its class on the track”—that is, other entry-level luxury sports sedans like the Audi A5 and BMW 3-Series. Fulfilling that promise is partly down to raw power, and independent tests have tracked the Model 3 Performance going from 0-60 in a fantastic 3.3 seconds.

Cost of all options, wheels, paint, etc is included (apart from Autopilot). Cost is $78k. About same as BMW M3, but 15% quicker & with better handling. Will beat anything in its class on the track.

— Elon Musk

But mere acceleration doesn’t make a car ready for the racetrack—and in fact, Track Mode doesn’t enable any performance enhancements per se. Instead, as described in a detailed new Road and Track road test, it changes how the car brakes and handles, allowing skilled drivers more flexibility. That includes toning down the reactions of safety systems including anti-lock brakes, which can interfere with high-speed maneuvering.

It also includes rebalancing the car’s regenerative braking systems to shift weight forward on turns and allow oversteering—sometimes known as “drifting.” It’s a maneuver less about speed than just having fun, and according to Road and Track the Performance Model 3 takes such automotive tomfoolery to new levels: “With no engine noise to out-shout everything,” writes tester Bob Sorokanich, drivers can sense and respond to the car’s traction “at a level you’ve never experience in a bellowing internal-combustion car.”

Of course, burning up a track also burns energy, but Track Mode adds a power-throttling feature that keeps the car’s components cool enough to operate reliably. That also means it gets less punchy after three or four back-to-back laps, but not enough to ruin the fun.

As for battery life, Sorokanich reports that “an entire morning” of high-speed track stunts, with cool-downs as the testers swapped between two cars, left about 40 miles of range on the Model 3 batteries.

Tesla is making it clear these features aren’t for your daily commute—when a driver selects Track Mode, a warning screen reminds them it’s “designed to be used exclusively on closed courses.” Track Mode is also still being fine-tuned, possible thanks to Tesla’s over-the-air update systems. But even in its current form, Sorokanich declares it makes the Model 3 Performance “the world’s first electric sport sedan with bona fide race track chops.”
