

Emily Price 2017-11-05

上周,Restaurant Business按照总销售额排名,发布了美国百大独立餐厅的榜单。

2017年的榜单(根据2016年的销售数据)头名是Tao Las Vegas。这家餐厅这一年获得了42,470,345的惊人销售额,提供了226,146顿餐饮,顾客每次用餐的平均费用为90美元。


1. 道-拉斯维加斯中餐厅 – 42,470,345美元

2. Joe’s Stone Crab海鲜牛排综合餐厅 – 37,243,159美元

3. 道-纽约市区中餐厅 – 33,401,819美元

4. Carmine’s(纽约)意大利风味餐厅 – 33,147,017美元

5. Old Ebbitt Grill 海鲜餐厅– 32,662,051美元

6. The Boathouse意大利餐厅奥兰多店 – 30,814,369美元

7. Lavo意大利餐厅纽约店 – 26,822,655美元

8. Smith & Wollensky牛排餐厅 – 25,961,337美元

9. Bryant Park Grill & Cafe烤肉咖啡店 – 25,400,000美元

10. Gibsons Bar & Steakhouse (芝加哥)酒吧&牛排餐厅 – 24,700,825美元

你可以在Restaurant Business的网站看到百大餐厅的完整榜单。今年的榜单中有五家店的成立时间少于18个月,其中一家甚至还没有开满一年。(财富中文网)


While Applebees is closing 105 restaurants this year, the independent restaurant business looks to be booming. This week Restaurant Business unveiled its list of the Top 100 Independent restaurants in the United States based on gross sales.

Coming in #1 on 2017’s list (which involved 2016 sales numbers) is the Tao Las Vegas. The restaurant has made an impressive $42,470.345 in sales this year and served 226,146 meals with the average check coming in at $90.

Here’s the full list of the Top 10 and their sales last year:

1. Tao Las Vegas – $42,470,345

2. Joe’s Stone Crab – $37,243,159

3. Tao Downtown – $33,401,819

4. Carmine’s (New York) – $33,147,017

5. Old Ebbitt Grill – $32,662,051

6. The Boathouse Orlando – $30,814,369

7. Lavo New York – $26,822,655

8. Smith & Wollensky – $25,961,337

9. Bryant Park Grill & Cafe – $25,400,000

10. Gibsons Bar & Steakhouse (Chicago) – $24,700,825

You can check out the full list of 100 on Restaurant Business’ website. This year’s list includes five restaurants that are less than 18 months old and one that wasn’t even open the entire year.
