

《财富》杂志编辑部 2017-04-05

《软木傻瓜》(Cork Dork)

作者:比安卡•博斯克(Bianca Blsker)




主编:丹尼尔•富兰克林(Daniel Franklin)

《经济学人》的丹尼尔•富兰克林主编的这本预测未来的文集令人赏心悦目。在其中,未来的科技显得离我们如此之近。量子超级计算机?正在研发中。“牛机?”(Cowborgs)不,那叫半机械牛(cyborg cows)——也即将诞生。但是疑问也随之而来:人类可能会沐浴在未来高科技的光辉之中,也可能会在一切失控的情况下覆灭。究竟是哪种还言之过早。——罗伯特•哈克特(Robert Hackett)


《选项B》(Option B)

作者:雪莉•桑德伯格、亚当•格兰特(Sheryl Sandberg, Adam Grant)



《气候的希望》(Climate of Hope)

作者:迈克尔•布隆伯格、卡尔•波普(Michael Bloomberg, Carl Pope)

迈克尔•布隆伯格和环境学家卡尔•波普合著的这本书提供了关于气候变化的解决方案。全书开门见山,布隆伯格在前三句话中,就表达了对于钥石(Keystone)输油管道、水力压裂技术和核能的喜爱【以及对勃肯鞋(Birkenstocks)的反感】。两人从经济的角度,令人叹服地解释了城市和公司为什么理应采取短期的零碎措施——同时也让你对联邦政府的举措抱有期待。——安妮•范德梅伊(Anne Vander Mey)




Cork Dork by Bianca Bosker

Journalist, wine rube, and obsessive personality Bianca Bosker embarks on a madcap 18-month journey into the booze-soaked belly of the wine industry to uncover the answer to the casual drinker’s perennial question: What is the deal with wine? Bosker interviews some of the world’s finest top connoisseurs, scent scientists, wine economists, snobs, and anti-snobs from Napa to Virginia Beach. Her gleeful approach to the subject is as informative as it is, well, intoxicating. —Rachel Sugar

Buyers beware: A wine’s price matters for quality up to $60, one expert says. After that, it’s mostly branding.

Megatech edited by Daniel franklin

The technology of the future feels close in this shrewd and delightfully prognosticatory essay series, edited by The Economist’s Daniel Franklin. Quantum supercomputers?On the way.“Cowborgs”? That’s cyborg cows—comin’ right up. But doubts linger: Humanity could bask in the magnificence of its coming megatech, or it could be annihilated if everything spins out of control. Too soon to tell which.—Robert Hackett

Cocktail-party fodder: Tech’s biggest threat isn’t an AI uprising; it’s nuclear advances—think “suicide bombers with kiloton yields.”

Option B by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant

Though it’s inspired by grief, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s latest book is as much about living a better life as it is about dealing with death. Co-written with Wharton professor Adam Grant, Option B is part memoir and part research-based exploration of overcoming adversity. Despite its heavy subject matter, the book is surprisingly light, thoroughly educational, and a widely applicable read. —ValentinaZarya

What to say: Instead of asking someone who has just suffered a personal tragedy, “How are you?” try, “How are you today?”

Climate of Hope by Michael Bloomberg and Carl Pope

This book of climate-change solutions from Mike Bloomberg and environmentalist Carl Pope is nothing if not blunt. In his first three sentences, Bloomberg comes out in favor of the Keystone pipeline, fracking, and nuclear power (but against Birkenstocks). The pair makes a compelling economic case for piecemeal short-term action from cities and companies—but it still leaves you wishing for federal action too. —Anne VanderMey

Trial and error: Drivers foiled Mexico City’s antismog plan to ban cars with odd-numbered plates certain days by just buying an extra car.
