

Dean Takahashi 2017-02-09


据研究公司SuperData Research和Unity Technologies联合进行的一项研究显示,2016年,全球手游市场的营收入达到了创记录的406亿美元,基本上与同期的全球电影票房收入持平。

手游市场目前已经占据了全球数码游戏市场的半壁江山。今年的热门手游包括《Pokémon Go》和《Super Mario Run》等。此次发布的调查报告涵盖了手游、移动VR和总体VR市场,并且首次同时采用了这两家公司的数据。

SuperData Research公司的研究与战略副总裁斯蒂芬妮·利亚马斯表示:“全球手游市场的可持续增长也正在促进传统媒介游戏的手游化。手游市场的规模也吸引了业内领先企业纷纷采取动作,比如动视暴雪收购了手游公司King,腾讯收购了手游公司Supercell(即《部落冲突》的开发商)等等。”



Unity Analytics公司总经理约翰·程指出:“玩家现在安装的应用比以往任何时候还多,而且比起看电视和网络视频,他们现在更喜欢玩手游。他们平均每周有六天都在玩手游,而只有五天会看视频。在不同的手机和VR平台上,用户对手游的参与度的增长都是非常显著的。在可预见的将来,这种增长趋势还会继续下去。”








2016年VR市场的总营收为18亿美元,共售出VR设备630万台。三星的Gear VR由于相对Oculus等高价竞争对手的进入壁垒较低(加之价格优惠力度大),因此以450万台的销量领跑VR市场。(财富中文网)

作者:Dean Takahashi


Mobile games hit a new record by generating more than $40.6 billion in worldwide revenue in 2016, up 18 percent from a year ago, according to research by SuperData Research and Unity Technologies. That money is equal to all global movie box office sales during the same time, the companies said.

Mobile games now account for half of the entire global digital games market. The year’s big hits included new titles such as Pokémon Go and Super Mario Run. The report examines the combined mobile, mobile VR, and overall VR markets, and it’s the first to use data from both companies.

“The sustained growth of the global mobile games market is helping to legitimize games in the traditional media landscape,” says Stephanie Llamas, the vice president of research and strategy of SuperData Research, in a statement. “The size of the market is also attracting the leading players in the gaming market, as can be seen with Activision’s Blizzard deal to buy King and Tencent acquiring Supercell.”

Asia represents the largest mobile games market in the world, producing $24.8 billion in revenue in 2016, while North America and Europe generated $6.9 billion and $5.7 billion respectively.

Americans now play mobile games more often than they watch Netflix, Hulu, or YouTube. They spent 5 percent more in 2016 versus 2015, and the companies believe that number will continue to rise.

“Players are installing more apps than ever and are more engaged with mobile games than TV and online videos,” said John Cheng, general manager of Unity Analytics, in a statement. “They play six days a week and watch content only five. It’s been phenomenal to watch engagement on the different mobile and VR platforms grow, and that trend will continue to increase in the foreseeable future.”

During the year, time spent on mobile games grew by 12 percent on iOS and 9 percent on Android respectively, with gamers averaging almost 30 minutes of play time each day. As consumers continue to spend more time playing on mobile devices, the companies expect mobile gaming will continue to give marketers and developers an even greater opportunity to monetize this trend.

In other details, the report found 58 percent of mobile gamers play puzzle games, compared to 40 percent who play action games and 26 percent who play simulation games. Puzzle games don’t require high-level graphics and are ripe for on-the-go play.

However, action games represent 30 percent of the share of game installs by genre, while puzzle games represent 14 percent. Unlike puzzle games, action games are quick to play through, and retain players at 70 percent the rate that puzzle games do.

The U.S. is the only country with more players on iOS than Android. Android gamers represent 78 percent of the global market, but iOS continues to yield higher spending overall.

In the U.S., developers made on average 45 percent more on a player using iOS over Android, but in China, Android players were worth eight times more than those on iOS.

Indonesia tripled its potential for advertisers, seeing a 192 percent increase in installs in 2016. Spenders also play 84 percent more than the average Indian player, creating an undeniable opportunity for developers.

Users engaged with virtual reality more often than they did with games, movies, or TV. Mobile VR users engaged in 48 sessions per month, while PC/console users engaged in 36 sessions per month.

Total VR revenue in 2016 was $1.8 billion, with 6.3 million devices sold. Samsung Gear VR came out as the leader with 4.5 million devices sold due to a low barrier to entry (and promotional deals) as compared to high-price competitors like Oculus.
