

Suyin Haynes 2016-12-07



这项研究名为“睡眠为何重要——睡眠不足的经济成本”,研究人员来自非盈利组织RAND Europe。这是该组织首次量化研究睡眠缺乏对经济的影响。研究者发现,和每晚睡7到9小时的人相比,平均睡眠时间不足6小时的人死亡率高13%。

RAND Europe的该研究负责人、研报主笔马可•哈福纳说:“我们的研究显示,缺少睡眠的影响很大。睡眠缺乏不仅影响个人的健康和快乐,随着劳动者生产率降低,死亡率上升,全国经济都会受到严重打击。”


RAND Europe的上述研究于本周二发布。一天后,美国知名数字媒体《赫芬顿邮报》的联合创始人阿里安娜•赫芬顿成立了新公司Thrive Global,旨在宣传良好睡眠对提高生产力的重要性。 (财富中文网)



A lack of sleep among the U.S. workforce is costing approximately $411 billion and losing 1.2 million working days per year, a new study has found.

The study, titled ‘Why sleep matters – the economic costs of insufficient sleep’, was conducted by researchers at non-profit organisation RAND Europe and is the first of its kind to quantify the economic impact of sleep deprivation. Researchers found that a person who sleeps on average less than six hours a night has a 13 percent higher mortality risk than someone sleeping between seven and nine hours.

Marco Hafner, a research leader at RAND Europe and the report’s main author, said “Our study shows that the effects from a lack of sleep are massive. Sleep deprivation not only influences an individual’s health and wellbeing but has a significant impact on a nation’s economy, with lower productivity levels and a higher mortality risk among workers.”

The U.S., UK, Canada, Germany, and Japan were investigated as case study economies, with the U.S. sustaining by far the highest economic losses. In relative terms however, Japan suffers the largest economic loss, losing 2.92 percent of GDP due to sleep deprivation among its workforce, compared to the U.S. with 2.28 percent.

RAND Europe’s research was released on Tuesday, a day before Arianna Huffington launched her new company Thrive Global, which advocates the importance of better sleep for increased productivity.
