

Erin Griffith 2016-08-04


这是科技行业疯狂大并购的一年。但有一点,所有这些大手笔交易,包括软银斥资320亿美元收购ARM控股,微软以262亿美元的价格拿下领英,威瑞森以48亿美元的价格收购雅虎,甚至是甲骨文和特斯拉分别斥资93亿美元和28亿美元买下NetSuite和SolarCity,都不涉及任何价值10亿美元的科技独角兽公司(联合利华收购Dollar Shave Club不在其列,因为收购前Dollar Shave Club并非独角兽公司)。


普华永道的数据显示,虽然出现了诸多引人关注的收购活动,但科技行业今年的并购规模下降了19%。研究机构CB Insights指出,更糟糕的是,到目前为止只有两家10亿美元级初创公司完成了转让,分别是Lazada和Jasper。







It’s been a big year for giant, crazy tech deals. Except none of the big deals, including SoftBank’s $32 billion acquisition of ARM Holdings, Microsoft’s $26.2 billion deal for LinkedIn, Verizon’s $4.8 billion deal for Yahoo, or even Oracle’s $9.3 billion deal for NetSuite or Tesla’s $2.8 billion deal for SolarCity, involve any of the tech world’s billion-dollar unicorns. (Unilever’s acquisition of Dollar Shave Club doesn’t count as it was not a unicorn before its acquisition.)

Deals like the ones I mentioned are keeping investment bankers busy. But they have to make venture capital investors nervous. Save some cash for our portfolio companies!

Despite all the high profile mega-mergers, deal volume for tech M&A is down 19% this year, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers. What’s worse, only two billion-dollar startups have sold so far, according to CB Insights: Lazada and Jasper.

The merger of Uber China with local rival Didi Chuxing might also be a sign of things to come. If bloated, over-funded, overvalued startups are too expensive to sell and too unprofitable to go public, why not use that expensive stock to merge with one another?

It’s significant that Uber CEO Travis Kalanick, the most competitive, hard-charging, winner-take-all startup CEO around, has conceded a loss. That concession may inspire other startup CEOs hoping to follow in Uber’s footsteps and be more pragmatic about their own businesses.

Competition is one reason for startup mergers. I predict after the inevitable shakeout of meal kit and food delivery startups, we’ll see the biggest ones merge. Regulatory hurdles, like the one Uber faced in China, or the one behind the rumored merger of FanDuel and DraftKings, is another reason to merge.

The retreat of Kalanick’s grand ambitions in China signals a turning point for the startup market. The biggest reasons mergers like Uber-Didi haven’t happened sooner—pride, ego, and the irrational Silicon Valley belief that you can make the impossible happen by sheer force of will—may no longer be a factor.
