

《财富》 2016-04-22


The past year or so has produced an avalanche of bungles, failures, and questionable decisions among CEOs and politicians—many so distinctive or outsize that they merit special acknowledgement.

密歇根州州长,里克•斯奈德。摄影:Al Goldis,美联社图片




Don’t Blame Me, I’m Just The Governor Award

Rick Snyder, Governor of Michigan

Snyder and his team sparked national outrage after an attempt at cost-savings left the impoverished city of Flint, Mich. with a lead-tainted water supply that is being blamed for illness and brain damage, especially among its youngest residents. Called to testify before Congress, Snyder, who touted his competence in his gubernatorial campaign, labeled the experience the “most humbling” of his life—then attempted to shift blame. He described it as a “failure of government” and blasted the Environmental Protection Agency for its “dumb and dangerous” rules on allowable amounts of lead in water systems. Also read: Flint Water Crisis Highlights Problems in Emergency Management Laws

大众汽车CEO马丁•温特科恩,摄影Ute Grabowsky,Getty Images




The Burned Rubber Prize

Martin Winterkorn, former chairman of Volkswagen

Winterkorn led VW during most of the behavior that led to a disastrous scandal (which is far from over), as company engineers installed software that manipulated emissions on about 11 million diesel vehicles. Winterkorn has asserted ignorance of any wrongdoing. Critics have been skeptical, given that he is known as a micro-manager. Then there’s the fact that the company has acknowledged that, at least in the latter stages, a warning of potential wrongdoing was sent to him. VW was known for a ruthless culture and, under Winterkorn, an ambition to become the world’s largest automaker. The combination proved toxic in the case of its emissions cheating. Also read: Inside Volkswagen’s Diesel Fraud

Theranos创始人和CEO伊丽莎白•福尔摩斯,摄影Gilbert Carrasquillo — Getty Images




The Black Box Award

Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos

Once a Silicon Valley wunderkind, Holmes leads a startup that seeks to disrupt health care by offering cheaper and less invasive blood tests. But Theranos’s reputation has wilted under heavy scrutiny. After an investigative report by the Wall Street Journal cast doubt on some of the company’s key claims, Holmes continued to defend Theranos’ testing and methods—all while refusing to allow outside scientific scrutiny or peer review. Meanwhile she was unable to keep one of her company’s two labs in minimally acceptable order, according to findings by federal regulators. They concluded that the lab suffered from five “serious deficiencies,” one of which “posed immediate jeopardy to patient health and safety.”

马丁•什克雷利,摄影:Craig Ruttle,美联社


马丁•什克雷利,图灵制药(Turing Pharmaceuticals)创始人和前CEO

由于马丁•什克雷利去年表现过度雷人,他也成为第一个荣获以自己名字命名奖项的人。什克雷利远比你聪明得多(不信可以问他),他的过人之处在于,低价购买药品后再以天价卖出,“当之无愧”地获得医药界斯耐利•惠普拉斯 (美国动漫恶棍角色)称号,还引发了整个行业全国大调查,哦对了,还有遭到起诉(他称自己无罪)并丢了饭碗。这些都是他所谓宏伟蓝图的一部分,白痴才看不懂呢。

The Shkreli Prize

Martin Shkreli, founder and former CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals

So striking was Martin Shkreli’s performance in the past year that he is the first person to merit having a category named after himself. Shkreli is waysmarter than you are (just ask him). He’s so brilliant that he hatched a strategy to buy cheap drugs, sell them at astronomical mark-ups, proudly embrace a role as the Snidely Whiplash of pharmaceuticals,attract searing national scrutiny to the entire industry and, oh yeah, get himself indicted (he has proclaimed his innocence), and lose his job. It’s all part of his master plan. Only a moron could fail to grasp that.

雅虎CEO玛丽莎•梅耶尔摄影:Mario Tama—Getty Images




I Lost My Strategy Under the Sofa, Special Citation

Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo

Nobody thought Marissa Mayer faced an easy challenge when she signed on to try to revive the fading Web 1.0 icon. But nearly four years into her tenure, the profits continue to sag and the fiascos continue to mount as, to take just one of many examples, she shutters expensive “magazines” that she previously launched and described as central to her strategy. Paying hefty ransoms to keep key employees has made Mayer look desperate. She has alternated between resisting and embracing shareholder activists and zigzagged on whether she should spin off Yahoo’svaluable stake in Alibaba or spin off the bulk of the company’s businesses and leave Yahoo as largely a holding company for the Alibaba stake. Also read:Here’s How Much Marissa Mayer May Make If She Gets Fired

谢家华,摄影:Brad Swonetz


谢家华,Zappos CEO


The Leon Trotsky Prize for Reorganization

Tony Hsieh, CEO, Zappos

Hsieh is both a quirky mogul who lives in a trailer with two pet alpacas outside and a leadership guru who previously won plaudits for the zany, free-flowing culture at the online shoe-seller. He has made bold moves, such as a $350 million gamble to transform downtown Las Vegas into a bustling entrepreneurial hub. But Hsieh topped that by radically overturning the order at Zappos. He eliminated all bosses in favor of a self-management model known as holacracy, now aimed at reaching a state of organizational enlightenment known as “teal.” The result: A wave of exits, as 29% of the staff turned over in a single year. The company has yet to fully regain its footing. Read: How a Radical Shift to Self-Management Left Zappos Reeling

帕克•康拉德,摄影:Jim Wilson,《纽约时报》/Redux




The George Costanza Medal for In-Office Frolics

Parker Conrad, former CEO of Zenefits

In its first two years, the employee benefits software company grew at an astonishing pace, reaching more than 1,000 employees and a $4.5 billion valuation. Then things turned: Last year, Zenefits reportedly missed its revenue targets, causing Fidelity Investments to mark down the value of its shares in the company by 48%. Later, a Buzzfeed report found that, under Conrad, as many as 80% of Zenefits’ sales of health insurance in Washington state were made by unlicensed brokers. The final blow came in February, when employees were found to be systematically cheating on mandatory insurance-broker training. Conrad was pushed out.His replacement banned drinking at the office, calling Zenefits’ culture “inappropriate for a highly regulated company.” A subsequent Wall Street Journal report found that under Conrad, Zenefits employees held frequent office parties, wrestled with each other in public, and had sex in the office stairwell.

麦克尔•皮尔森摄影:彭博社, Getty Images


麦克尔•皮尔森,将离任的威朗(Valeant) CEO


The “Welcome Back, Now Please Leave” Certificate

Michael Pearson, outgoing CEO of Valeant

Valeantannounced plans to find a new CEO only days after Pearson returned from two months of convalescence for pneumonia as the Canadian pharmaceutical company grappled with what it has conceded was “improper conduct” in misstating its financial results. The departure capped a stunning turnaround as the company went from being a stock market darling for its ability to jack up drug prices… to being vilified for much the same conduct. The “improper conduct” related to recognizing revenue from a mail-order pharmacy called Philidor, which was accused of using shady tactics to get insurers to pay for Valeant medications. (Valeant’s former CFO has denied any wrongdoing.)

赛普•布拉特和米歇尔•普拉蒂尼握手,摄影:iPhilipp Schmidli — Getty Images




The “We Are Shocked—Shocked!—To Discover Payoffs” Award

Sepp Blatter and Michel Platini, former FIFA chiefs

FIFA president Sepp Blatter and heir apparent Michel Platini were both banned from the sport for eight years by FIFA’s ethics committee in a belated display of zeal that has convinced no one of its ability to clean house and reform. The two presided over the sport at a time of scandal on an epic scale, resulting in, among other things, a Swiss police raid that culminated in the U.S. indictment of nine senior soccer officials and 16 others for money laundering and racketeering. Both Blatter and Platini have vehemently protested their innocence, but neither has been able to provide a written contract for the $2 million paid to Platini by FIFA in 2011 (for services rendered a decade earlier, according to the pair).

古斯塔沃•马丁内兹,摄影:D Dipasupil—Getty Images for AWXII


古斯塔沃•马丁内兹,智威汤逊(J. Walter Thompson)前CEO


The “What Wouldn’t Don Draper Say?” Medal

Gustavo Martinez, former CEO J. Walter Thompson

The accusations of racist and sexist comments lodged against Martinez were shocking, and had an extra resonance because they echoed—well, exceeded—the picture of unabashed harassment in the advertising industry seen in “Mad Men” (which, it should be noted, was set a half-century ago and wasfictional). Martinez stepped down after J. Walter Thompson’s communications chief, Erin Johnson, filed a lawsuit alleging he had made numerous offensive comments, and even grabbed her by the throat. For example, Martinez allegedly told her, in front of other employees, “to come to him so he could ‘rape [her]’ in the bathroom.” He has denied the allegations.

新泽西州州长,克里斯•克里斯蒂摄影:Jeff Zelevansky Getty Images




Prize for the Most Breathtakingly Craven Political Move of the Year

Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey

This is our most hotly contested category, but Christie won it running away… in this case from his past criticisms of Donald Trump. “We do not need reality TV in the Oval Office right now,” Christie said of Trump on the campaign trail. “President of the United States is not a place for an entertainer.” But after the New Jersey governor dropped out of the race—and reportedly began entertaining fantasies of a vice-presidential slot on the ticket—he sang a different song: “I’ve gotten to know all the people on that stage and there is none who is better prepared to provide America with the strong leadership that it needs both at home and around the world than Donald Trump.” Since then, the pugnacious Christie has been likened to an ISIS hostage, a “puppet,” and the “ultimate lapdog,” prompting memories of another candidate who was once lampooned as having “put his manhood in a blind trust.”

芝加哥市长,拉姆•伊曼纽尔,摄影Scott Olson—Getty Images




Second Most Breathtakingly Craven Political Move of the Year

Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago

Emanuel is another politician famous for his bellicose personality who redefined himself through abject capitulation. The Chicago Tribunetrenchantly summarized Emanuel’s dramatic 180 in the case of the shooting of black teenager Laquan McDonald by a white police officer: “Emanuel initially characterized white Officer Jason Van Dyke’s decision to shoot black teen McDonald as the actions of one bad cop before later saying his Police Department needed ‘complete and total reform.’ He stood by former police SuperintendentGarry McCarthy before firing him. He objected to a Justice Department civil rights investigation before welcoming one. And he fought the release of the shooting video before admitting he was wrong to do so after a judge forced his hand.”

摄影:Jason Kempin—Getty Images



Chipotle曾号称出售的是“良心食品”,如今却被反咬一口。数年来,该卷饼连锁店一直是快餐业高品质的代表,《财富》等媒体也对其赞誉有加。现在,呃,今非昔比了。一场噩梦般的食物中毒事件后,食品又被查出含有大肠杆菌,然后是沙门氏菌和诺罗病毒。危机当前,埃尔斯和莫兰的应对之策堪称反面教材。莫兰不仅没有承担责任,反而先指责他人,说疾病控制中心和媒体借机炒作此事。接着,埃尔斯在国家电视台说Chipotle已执行新的食品安全规定,是最安全的用餐选择。然而随后爆发的两起诺罗病毒事件只能说明公司无法履行诺言。目前Chipotle股价和销售额双双大幅下跌,同时面临食品安全问题的联邦调查。获得该奖项荣誉奖的还有:Blue Bell 乳品公司。

The “This Time We Swear We’ve Fixed It” Prize

Steve Ells & Montgomery Moran, co-CEOs, Chipotle

Chipotle’s proclamations about “food with integrity” have come back to bite it. For years the burrito chain won accolades from the likes of Fortune, as it provided a high-quality counterpoint to the fast food industry. Now, um, not so much. A nightmare of foodborne illness has ensued—not just E. coli, but also salmonella, and Norovirus—and Ells and Moran provided a lesson in what not to do in a crisis. Rather than take responsibility, Moran first pointed fingers at everyone else—the Centers for Disease Control as well as media for sensationalizing the company’s problems. Then Ells went on national TV and said that Chipotle would be the safest place to eat now that it had implemented new food safety measures. It turned out to be a promise the company couldn’t keep. Two more Norovirus incidents have since occurred. Sales have plummeted, as has the company’s stock price, and Chipotle is facing a federal investigation over its food safety issues.Honorable Mention in the Same Category: Blue Bell Creameries.

阿尔•佐丹奴和史蒂夫•那迪其,摄影:Bobby Bank—WireImage/Getty Images


阿尔•佐丹奴和史蒂夫•那迪其,Wounded Warrior Project前COO和CEO

难以想象一家慈善老兵组织会把捐助款的40%都花费在工资和日常开销(包括头等舱机票和豪华会议)上,而没有用于帮助不幸受伤的老兵。但根据《纽约时报》和哥伦比亚广播公司对伤残战士救助计划的报道,事实就是如此。(报道还提到,其他同类慈善机构一般把捐助款的10%-15%用于日常开销)。《纽约时报》说那迪其在一年的工资达到47.3万美元。该组织虽对报道中的一些说法予以反驳,但在一次内部调查后,董事会宣布“更换新领导层对组织来说是件好事,CEO 史蒂夫•那迪其和COO阿尔•佐丹奴已经离职。”

Big Spenders Award

Al Giordano and Steve Nardizzi, former COO and CEO of the Wounded Warrior Project

A charity for veterans should be the last place that would fritter away 40% of donations on salaries and overhead (including first-class air fare and lavish conferences) rather than using them to help grievously injured soldiers. But that’s what the New York Times and CBS reported about the Wounded Warrior Project. (Other comparable charities typically use 10%-15% of donations on overhead, according to those reports.) For example, Nardizzi received $473,000 in compensation in one year, according to the Times. The organization disputed some elements of the reports, but after an internal investigation, its board announced that “the organization would benefit from new leadership, and WWP CEO Steve Nardizzi and COO Al Giordano are no longer with the organization.”

联合大陆前CEO石志辉,摄影:Kris Tripplaar — Sipa USA/AP


石志辉,联合大陆(United Continental)前CEO


The Back Scratch Prize

Jeff Smisek, former CEO of United Continental

Smisek stepped down suddenly last September and news reports emerged that Unitedoperated flights from Newark to Columbia, S.C., despite little passenger demand, because the then-chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey needed to get to his vacation home. According to those reports, Smisek wanted to curry favor to win approval for projects at Newark, which is operated by the Port Authority. It meant bad press for United and certainly isn’t likely to help the company defend an antitrust suit filed by the Justice Department, in which the government is trying to block a deal in which United would acquire more take-off and landing slots at Newark Airport. (The company has said the deal would benefits customers. The former chair of the Port Authority has denied wrongdoing and no charges have been filed against Smisek.)

巴西总统迪尔马•罗塞夫,摄影:Buda Mendes/Getty Images






The “Don’t Blame It On Rio” Award

Dilma Rousseff, president of Brazil

Rousseff was once a political prisoner during the 21-year military regime in Brazil. Now the president is facing possible impeachment from opposition lawmakers who want to oust her over claims that she masked the country’s growing deficit—and the worst recession in a generation—by manipulating government accounts. Yet even as Rousseff defends her conduct and vows not to resign, the corruption scandal grows and she stumbles, most recently by attempting to appoint her predecessor and mentor, former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, as her chief of staff in what appeared to be a transparent attempt to shield him from prosecution (cabinet members in Brazil enjoy immunity). The spread of the Zika virus and fears of a trouble-plagued Olympic games later this year haven’t helped.
