

Pat Wechsler 2016-03-09

最近,非营利社会服务和宣讲组织Fortune Society正式任命69岁的丹尼斯•科兹洛夫斯基为董事长。


他最新任职的Fortune Society旨在帮助像自己那样的出狱人员重新融入社会,同时倡导用其他方法来代替监牢。2012年启动监外就业项目以来,科兹洛夫斯基一直是Fortune Society的活跃分子。


Fortune Society为出狱人员提供了一张“安全网”,而且经常会在他们出狱前就开始工作,比如进行就业培训,找廉租房,对门诊药物滥用者进行治疗,提供精神健康服务,甚至还有带薪实习。作为Fortune Society董事长,科兹洛夫斯基并无薪水可领。

Fortune Society首席执行官乔安妮•佩奇说:“我们关注的是有大量刑事犯罪人员获释的时间段。美国人口占全球的5%,罪犯则占全球的25%。这些人回到家后,要么成为社区的累赘,要么成为资源。我们在这里的任务就是让他们成为对家庭和社区有贡献的人。科兹洛夫斯基把他的专长和经验用到了工作中,从而帮我们实现这个目标。”


就企业贪欲和做假账而言,科兹洛夫斯基是人们眼中最声名狼藉的代表之一。在他获罪前后,还有许多CEO也锒铛入狱,其中包括世通创始人兼CEO伯纳德•埃伯斯、安然CEO杰弗里•斯基林以及在Adelphi Communications掌权的约翰•里加斯和蒂莫西•里加斯父子。



Recently, L. Dennis Kozlowski, 69, was officially named chairman of the Fortune Society, a nonprofit social service and advocacy organization that helps ex-felons like Kozlowski re-enter society as productive members and works to promote alternatives to prison. Kozlowski has been active with the group since he began a work-release program in 2012.

“We don’t do much for people coming out of incarceration,” Kozlowski told Fortune. “While I was [in prison], I taught GED courses and I knew that was a step in the right direction, but people coming out after spending many years away need so much more than that. They need help to prepare for the job force, to figure out where to live, how to get food, how to survive on the outside. Especially those without friends and family or any kind of support system.”

The Fortune Society helps to provide a safety net for ex-felons, often working with them even before release, providing work training, affordable housing options, outpatient substance abuse treatment, a mental health clinic, and even paid internships. Kozlowski’s position is unpaid.

“We are looking at a period of mass incarceration when many, many people are coming out of the criminal justice system,” says Fortune Society CEO JoAnne Page. “In this country, we have 5% of the global population but 25% of the prison population. And when people come home, they can either come home as a deficit to their community or a resource. What our job is at Fortune is to bring people home as people who contribute to their families and their community. Dennis is putting his skill set and life experience to work to help make that happen.”

In 2005 Kozlowski was convicted of grand larceny, conspiracy and securities fraud for siphoning nearly $100 million from the U.S. security-solutions company he headed and was sentenced to 8 1/3 to 25 years in prison. He became inmate No. 05A4820 in the Mid-State Correctional Facility in the small town of Marcy in upstate New York. Among the prison population with Kozlowski was Alan Hevesi, the former New York State Comptroller convicted of taking bribes, and Ja Rule, a rapper found guilty of gun and drug possession who reportedly became friends with Kozlowski behind bars.

Kozlowski was considered one of the most notorious examples of corporate greed and accounting fraud in an era that locked up many CEOs, including WorldCom founder and chief executive Bernard Ebbers, Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling and Adelphi Communications’ father-and-son executive team of John and Timothy Rigas. After living a lavish life on the corporate dole with a $16 million Fifth Avenue apartment, $3 million in renovations and $11 million in furnishings and that $6,000 gold-and-burgundy shower curtain, all reportedly paid for by Tyco, Kozlowski was splashed across The New York Post, with the headline “OINK, OINK.”

These days, he and his wife, Kimberly, live in a two-bedroom rental in Manhattan. And the man who was once the highest paid executive in the U.S. doesn’t like to discuss the old days and decisions he made that led to years behind bars. When he was up for parole, he struck a penitent note, telling the New York State parole panel, “It was greed, pure and simple.” In a subsequent interview with the New York Times, he also suggested that he was treated harshly while the bankers who caused the 2007-2009 market meltdown never saw a day in prison.

Now, in response to question about the past, he told Fortune, “I just want to focus on the Fortune Society and next steps and moving forward.”

Kozlowski divides his time between the Fortune Society, which is volunteer work, and a year-old M&A advisory practice and consultancy he set up with former colleagues, called Harbourside Associates, to help companies evaluate takeover candidates or prepare for takeover and to provide business expertise for start-ups. While Tyco’s chief executive, Kozlowski was responsible for exponential growth through M&A, acquiring more than 1,000 companies in a decade.

丹尼斯•科兹洛夫斯基和妻子金伯莉•科兹洛夫斯基。摄影/Tom Kane

如今,面对关于过去的问题,科兹洛夫斯基对《财富》杂志表示:“我只想把精力集中在Fortune Society以及今后的行动上,并且向前迈进。”

科兹洛夫斯基把时间分成两部分,一部分用于在Fortune Society的志愿工作,另一部分则投入到Harbourside Associates,这是他和以前的同事建立的并购咨询顾问公司,具体业务是帮助企业评估收购对象,为收购做准备以及为初创公司提供专项商业服务。在泰科担任CEO时,科兹洛夫斯基的工作就是通过并购来实现迅猛增长,而且在10年间收购了1000多家公司。

在Fortune Society,他和30位董事一同工作,为该机构提供咨询,同时制定经营战略,以便这个非营利组织实现自己的目标。按照内部章程,Fortune Society一半以上的工作人员以及至少三分之一的董事都和科兹洛夫斯基一样服过刑,这为他们的服务对象树立了榜样。



Fortune Society首席执行官乔安妮•佩奇指出,从囚犯转型为普通人对许多人来说都很困难,“从监狱出来的人都带着我们所说的‘狱中表情’,看上去很不好惹而且很容易生气,因为这就是他们在监狱中的生存方式。我们这些Fortune Society成员知道,在这样的愤怒之下是巨大的恐惧。所以,我们不会因此而转身离去。科兹洛夫斯基对Fortune Society的贡献是,他知道出狱人员要经历什么,并就此提出了自己的见解。他还有非常丰富的从商经验,这真的有助于我们这个机构顺利发展下去,因为如今的局势对非营利组织来说相当困难。”(财富中文网)




At Fortune, he works with a 31-member board and spends time counseling, but also providing business strategies to help the nonprofit meet its goals. As required by the nonprofit’s by-laws, more than half of the Fortune Society’s staff and at least a third of its board share with Kozlowski the experience of having been incarcerated, providing role models to those they serve.

“In prison, I was not a CEO; I was not a powerful person,” Kozlowski says today about his years behind bars. “I was an inmate just like every other inmate there. You’re all in the same boat and you’re in there for a lot of years. There’s no pecking order or organization chart; it’s not a question of who’s wealthy and who isn’t. You all live in the same kind of cells, sleep in the same kind of beds, eat the same kind of food, do the same kind of chores. It’s all the same and it’s all the same for many many years. Nobody even necessarily knew who I was or what I did.

“Coming out I felt at sea like other people getting out,” he explains. “I had friends and family, but I still had to go through a lot of the same adjustments to life outside of prison after so many years away. I had never even seen an iPhone before when I got out.”

Page says transitioning from prison is difficult for many. “People emerge from prison with what we call the prison face, looking tough and looking angry because that’s how they survived,” Page says. “At Fortune Society, we understand that there’s a lot of fear under all that anger and we’re not turned off by that. What Dennis brings to the organization is his own understanding of what people coming out are going through as well as a profound depth of business experience that can really help Fortune navigate through the current pretty challenging environment for nonprofits.”

Pat Wechsler is a New York-based freelance writer and editor.
