

Daniel Roberts 2015-07-07










    我要再说一次,出于这个原因,我讨厌看到这项运动沦为足球高尔夫或者脚踢高尔夫,不管他们怎么叫[笔者注:他所说的是足式高尔夫,即用足球来代替高尔夫球,用脚代替球杆,或者是指“Hack Golf“的公开实验,采用直径15英寸的球洞,目的是让高尔夫运动低龄化。]许多商务人士打高尔夫的次数远远超过他们希望别人知道的。我认识的许多商界人士都对我说:“别告诉别人我高尔夫打得很好。”他们不想让自己有那种形象,这是肯定的。但我也要再说一次,他们在高尔夫球场上做了很多生意。这项运动应该走高端路线,而不是大众化。










    Many pundits say the sport has lost touch with young people and needs to win them back. Youth participation is down, equipment sales are down.

    Well, first of all, I think the [participation] data that’s been out there from the National Golf Foundation is bad. I’ve said that. I actually think they’re absolutely incompetent. I think their information is faulty and they’re bad for the game.

    One of the other things that happens is these equipment makers, like TaylorMade, they keep coming out with new stuff every six months. It’s almost like planned obsolescence. People are tired of it. They’re not going to buy drivers every six months. And the industry complains and says, “Oh no, look at these golf numbers.” It’s not golf, it’s them.

    I think the game is doing well at the high levels, and the things that I’ve been buying over the last 10 years, you could never buy today. I like to buy ‘em when they close, and I get a great price. Doral, you could never buy that today for what I paid. That was bought at the bottom of a market when the world had collapsed, and Miami was not doing well. And now Miami is probably the hottest place in the country. I bought it as a long-term deal for myself and ultimately for my family, and I’ve instructed them never to sell. I only buy jewels. I’m not interested in 9s. Only the 10s.

    What do you think of the efforts to make the game younger and more accessible?

    I think I’m in a minority, but I feel differently about golf. I feel golf should be an aspirational game, something people aspire to. People should come to golf, golf shouldn’t come to them.

    They shouldn’t do many of the things that have been done over the last five years. I think the bigger hole idea is just terrible.

    Golf is the sport of business—

    Is it, still?

    I’ve made deals on a golf course that I would have never, ever made over a lunch. I actually told the people at Wharton, “You should give a course in golf.” There’s something about the camaraderie. You get to know people better, they’re your partner. I’ve always said about Obama that I don’t mind that he plays golf, but he should play golf with people he wants to make agreements with.

    And again, that’s why I hate to see it cheapened with soccer golf or kick-golf, whatever it is they call it. [Note: He’s referring to either FootGolf, where people play soccer on a golf course, or to Hack Golf, an open experiment to make golf younger that resulted in trying 15-inch holes.] A lot of businesspeople play a lot more golf than they want you to think they play. I know many businesspeople who say to me, “Don’t tell people I’m a good golfer.” They don’t want that image, necessarily. But again, so much business is transacted on golf courses. And it should be aspirational as opposed to widespread.

    All the people who love it now, they didn’t play when they were 25. I say whoever comes comes, don’t fight too hard. You try to sell it too hard, it’s a bad thing. Now, when you have a course and no one is going there, I’ll tell you what, that’s a lot of lawn-mowing for a few people. And a lot of watering.

    So you’re not a fan of the new innovations and ideas to change the game, open it up a little.

    I don’t think it’s going to help anything. Golf should be something beautiful, elegant, something people aspire to play eventually.

    Is that elitist?

    It may be elitist, and perhaps that’s what golf needs. Let golf be elitist. When I say “aspire,” that’s a positive word. Let people work hard and aspire to some day be able to play golf. To afford to play it. They’re trying to teach golf to people who will never be able to really play it. They’re trying too hard. Because of the expense of playing, and the land needed, golf is never going to be basketball, where all you need is a court.

    All these great athletes, you know what they do when they retire? They do nothing but play golf. Basketball players, hockey players, football players, all they want to do is golf.

    Let it be aspirational instead of bringing it down by trying to get players to do it when they’re 15 years old and they’re also learning other sports. I think it’s very damaging to the game.
