

Oil Patch Asia 2014-01-22


    而据《投资者每日商报》(Investors Business Daily)报道中国最大的炼油企业——中国石化(Sinopec)则支付10.2亿美元,购得了切萨皮克能源(Chesapeake Energy)位于美国俄克拉荷马州北部、名为“Mississippi Lime”的85万英亩页岩气资产50%的权益。


    《投资者每日商报》称,2013年5月,中国石化完成了以17亿美元收购美国先锋自然资源公司(Pioneer Natural Resources)位于得克萨斯州西部的20.7万英亩Wolfcamp页岩气项目40%权益的交易。

    “分析人士普遍将这些交易视为中国公司获取页岩气生产专业经验的战略性举措,目的是在将来把这些经验应用于中国国内新兴的页岩气行业。”报道称,美国能源情报署(Energy Information Administration)的数据显示,中国的页岩气储量全球第一。

此文最初刊登在Oil Patch Asia网站。

    China’s Cnooc spent $15.1 billion in 2013 to close on its acquisition of Calgary, Alberta-based Nexen.

    And China’s largest refiner, Sinopec (SNP), paid $1.02 billion for a 50% stake in Chesapeake Energy’s 850,000 acres in northern Oklahoma shale assets called the Mississippi Lime, Investors Business Daily said.

    For the full year, overall deal activity was down 20% from 2012 after that year’s decade high of more than $250 billion in deals.

    In May, China’s Sinochem completed its $1.7 billion purchase of a 40% share in Pioneer Natural Resources’ 207,000 acres in west Texas’ Wolfcamp development, IBD said.

    “Analysts generally read the deals as strategic moves by Chinese companies to gain shale production expertise, which they can then translate to China’s nascent shale gas industry. China has the world’s largest shale gas reserves, according to the Energy Information Administration,” according to the report.

This article originally appeared on Oil Patch Asia.
