

John Gaudiosi 2014-01-03
新设备意味着新时代和新游戏。微软Xbox One和索尼PS4前后脚上市之后,2014年预计会涌现一大批为这两个游戏平台开发的新游戏。其中,我们今天要介绍的十款大制作最值得玩家期待。


    • 发行方:育碧

    • 平台:Xbox One、PS4、Xbox360、PS3、PC

    • 价格:60美元

    • 发行日期:2013年6月30日

    CBS热门美剧《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)的粉丝们应该会发现它与《看门狗》(Watch Dogs)的主题有些相似之处。虽说《疑犯追踪》的背景设定在纽约,《看门狗》的故事发生在芝加哥,但是二者的主题都是“老大在盯着你”。尤其是最近斯诺登泄密事件曝光后,《看门狗》推出的时机真是耐人寻味。


    Watch Dogs

    • Studio: Ubisoft

    • Consoles: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC

    • Price: $60

    • Release date: June 30, 2014

    Fans of the hit CBS show Person of Interest will find some similarities with the themes of Watch Dogs. While the TV show is set in New York City and this game takes place in Chicago, both focus on Big Brother's watchful eye. With the recent NSA spying revelations,Watch Dogs launches at an interesting time.

    Gamers take control of Aiden Pearce, a hacker with the ability to tap into any camera, any computer and even any smartphone in the city. Players turn into a new age superhero, or super villain, depending on the choices they make throughout the course of this open-world game. The entire city of Chicago is at your command, as Aiden can control everything from traffic lights to trains through the Central Operations System (ctOS). The game blends on-foot stealth and action gameplay with driving (more than 65 vehicles are available), allowing players to work their way through the overarching storyline any way they wish. And multiplayer allows players to hack into other player's games and toy with them in different ways.
