

Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2013-12-18
消费者调查机构的最新调查发现,拥有Kindle的用户比那些不拥有Kindle的用户每年在亚马逊网站上花的钱要多出将近450美元。从这个意义上说,Kindle Fire平板电脑和Kindle电子书阅读器也可以被视为连接亚马逊网站的门户。


    美国消费者调查研究机构Consumer Intelligence Research Partners(CIRP)上周五发布了对300位亚马逊(Amazon)Kindle用户的调查结果,其中有两个重要的新数据。

    • 2,050万:这是CIRP估算的用户持有的Kindle设备量。这个数字很重要,主要是因为Kindle的实际销量向来是亚马逊保守最严保密的数据之一。相反,苹果(Apple)每个季度都发布销售数据。截至9月末,苹果已经售出了1.70亿部iPad。

    • 443美元:这是拥有Kindle用户每年在亚马逊的消费额(1,233美元)和不拥有Kindle用户每年在亚马逊的消费额(790美元)的差额。

    “Kindle Fire平板电脑和Kindle电子阅读器也可被视为接入亚马逊网站的一个门户,”CIRP的乔什•洛维茨在一篇新闻稿中表示。

    Kindle Fires平板电脑的起售价为139美元。或许杰夫•贝佐斯应当免费向用户赠送Kindle。(财富中文网)

    There are two significant new stats in the survey results of 300 Amazon Kindle owners reported Friday by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners.

    • 20.5 million: CIRC's estimate of the number of Kindle devices in customer hands. It's significant chiefly because the actual Kindle unit sales number is one of Amazon's (AMZN) most closely held secrets. Apple (AAPL), which releases its sales numbers every quarter, had sold 170 million iPads by the end of September.

    • $443: The difference between how much Kindle owners spend on Amazon each year ($1,233) and the annual spending of Amazon members who don't own Kindles ($790).

    "Another way to look at Kindle Fire and Kindle e-Reader is as a portal to Amazon.com," said CIRC's Josh Lowitz in a press release.

    Kindle Fires start at $139. Maybe Jeff Bezos should be giving them away.
