

Matthew Segal  2013-10-30



    学生和家长现在就该组织起来,采取类似“俄勒冈后付学费”计划(Oregon's Pay It Forward )的坚定行动。这个计划要求州立学院和大学免除学费,作为回报,学生在毕业后24年里将收入的3%付给学校。可供成千上万学生学习的大型网上公开课(Massive Open Online Courses ,缩写MOOCs)也是降低成本的好办法,而且部分院校已经开始采用。这类公开课及俄勒冈计划将有助遏制不断膨胀的高校教育买卖,最终扭转高校偏爱富家子弟的局面。(财富中文网)



    In light of growing income inequality, it's time for Americans to realize we're all worse off when only the wealthy and privileged can afford a higher education; this is because studies show that college graduates will earn about $1 million more over the course of their lifetimes.

    There are some excellent proposals in place to ameliorate our system of college financing, but first, it's important for students to recognize that they also must be smart consumers. President Obama's latest plan to reduce higher education costs calls for a "college scorecard" that will rate colleges based on their debt levels and job placement statistics as opposed to prestige and marketing allure. This is a great first step, but the Administration also said it won't start rating colleges until 2015 and will not hold them accountable until 2018. This is much too late, and who knows whether the next President will implement this plan or whether college lobbyists will ultimately destroy the measure.

    It's time for students and their parents to organize in favor of bold measures such as Oregon's Pay It Forward program, which would eliminate tuition at state public colleges and universities in exchange for students paying 3% of their income back to the schools over the course of 24 years after graduating. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which open curriculums to thousands, are another promising measure to lower costs that some colleges are embracing. Approaches like this and Oregon's will help curb the booming business of college, and ultimately end their complicit role in engendering a system that favors the kids of the wealthy.

    Matthew Segal is co-founder and president of OurTime.org, a nationwide non-profit organization that leverages online organizing, new media, and popular culture to enhance the political voice of young Americans.
