

Alex Taylor III 2013-07-26

    另一个更加不现实的计划是Detroit Works Project正在推行的、经过“几百次会议,163,000次人员联络以及30,000次谈话”形成的计划。这份富丽堂皇的《底特律未来城》(Detroit Future City)报告预计,未来底特律将在建设景观基础设施方面领先于全球,将高速公路变成“线性碳森林”,推动居民种植可食用作物来再利用空地。这份报告对2030年底特律的展望就像卢梭的风景画一样,到处都是“宽敞整洁的林荫大道,开阔的绿地,城市林地、池塘和溪流。”报告大胆直面底特律的人口萎缩,但给出的建议似乎与现有人口的技能和倾向不匹配。






    Another, more fanciful scheme was hatched by a group called Detroit Works Project after "hundreds of meetings, connection with people over 163,000 times, and over 30,000 conversations." Its glossy "Detroit Future City" report envisions the city leading the world in developing landscape infrastructure that turns freeways into "linear carbon forests" and in getting residents to reuse vacant land by growing their own food. Its Rousseau-like vision of Detroit in 2030 sees "stately boulevards, open green space, urban woodlands, ponds and streams." The report represents a brave attempt to face up to Detroit's shrinking population but its recommendations seem like a poor match with the skills and proclivities of the current population.

    One overlooked factor that could favorably influence Detroit's future is its geography. There are few natural boundaries to separate the dying city from the generally more prosperous suburbs north of Eight Mile Road or east to Grosse Pointe, and the highway system makes long-distance commuting simple. The lack of barriers has facilitated the outflow of people beyond the city limits who take their assets and incomes and assets with them.

    Detroit needs to connect with those people and that wealth to survive. The solution would be to merge the city with the surrounding counties of Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb, an area already known as Metro Detroit, into a consolidated city-county government. Doing so would spread the costs of police, fire, schools, and other municipal services, allowing those brave urban pioneers who want to relocate in the city to do so with less sacrifice. If the entire region was treated as one economic entity, then Detroit could make better use of its competitive advantages – access to the Great Lakes and Canada, a strong presence in medical and information technology – without having to struggle with the efficient delivery of services that has proved so elusive.

    Unfortunately, Detroit and its surrounding counties get along like the Hatfields and the McCoys, the gap between them not only political and financial, but also racial. They have been fighting for years. The chance of them coming together to rescue Detroit after decades of decline is remote.

    Detroiters must now face the prospect of at least 18 months of bankruptcy hell. It would be reassuring to see a payoff at the end, but it is hard to visualize what it might be. It is as if the city has come to the end of its usefulness and is now slowly being discarded. The idea of Detroit – Motown – will remain, but the physical reality will be little more than a husk.
