MacBook Air终于遇到对手了吗?

MacBook Air终于遇到对手了吗?

JP Mangalindan 2013-07-11
索尼的新款Vaio Pro笔记本电脑比MacBook Air更轻,并且(几乎)一样薄。此外,它拥有出色的显示效果,响应迅速,与Windows 8配合无间的触摸屏幕。但它同时也有几个明显的不足。


    由于搭载了英特尔的Haswell处理器,性能足以满足日常应用的需求(和配备了Haswell处理器的其他笔记本电脑一样,如今有可能在中等画质设置的情况下实现流畅的游戏体验)。索尼声称,13英寸版的电池续航时间长达7个小时。在屏幕亮度调低到75%左右,音乐播放时断时续,网飞(Netflix)影音即时播放半小时和上网的情况下,电池续航时间为5小时35分钟。在另一个测试中,我只是浏览网站,续航时间延长了一个小时。这个时间高于平均水平,比采用去年英特尔芯片的X1 Carbon长得多,但在相同情况下仍然比今年的13英寸MacBook Air短了大约两个多小时。

    购买索尼Vaio Pro之前,请考虑到这一点:它比13英寸MacBook Air的起步价高了150美元,而且有几个明显的缺点,但它拥有显示效果出色、响应迅速、与Windows 8配合无间的触摸屏幕。它的重量也明显更轻,那些经常出门在外、对每盎司行李重量都超级敏感的商务骑士们肯定会喜欢。但如果你并不看重触摸屏和软件操作系统(很多人都看重这些),2013款MacBook Air仍然是很好的选择,因为它拥有最长的电池续航时间和更加安静的日常用户体验。(财富中文网)


    As for the carbon fiber body, it's durable, though not impermeable. It'll probably handle drops and scrapes like a pro -- one scenario I wasn't eager to test -- but with that extreme thinness also comes some noticeable bending and flexing while typing or even just applying pressure to most of the keyboard area. It slightly cheapens the otherwise premium industrial design and is one of the two knocks I can make. The other?A loud built-in fan that whines when using the notebook for anything more strenuous than web browsing.

    With Intel's (INTC) Haswell processor, performance is more than enough for everyday tasks. (Like other Haswell-equipped notebooks, smooth gaming experiences are now possible on medium graphics settings.) Sony claims the 13-incher gets up to 7 hours of battery life in between charges. And with the screen dimmed to 75% or so, music streaming off and on, a half-hour of Netflix Instant streaming, and web surfing, I managed to get 5 hours and 35 minutes. Just viewing websites during another trial run afforded another hour before having to plug in. That's above average and much longer than the Carbon X1 running last year's Intel chip, but it's still roughly two-plus hours shy of what this year's 13-inch MacBook Air can do under the same pressure.

    When looking at the Sony Vaio Pro, consider this: It's $150 more than the entry-level 13-inch MacBook Air and has a few significant quirks, but it offers a fine, sharp touchscreen display that pairs well with Windows 8. It's also noticeably lighter, something the most seasoned of road warriors, über-conscious of every ounce of baggage they haul, will appreciate. But if the touchscreen and the software operating system don't matter -- and to many they might – the 2013 MacBook Air remains an excellent option for its best-in-class battery life and a quieter day-to-day user experience.
