

Doron Levin 2013-07-10
苹果最近正在谋求与通用汽车、梅赛德斯-奔驰、日产以及现代等汽车厂商展开合作,把全新的iOS 7操作系统整合汽车中。届时,汽车电脑的屏幕可能看起来与iPhone一样,用户可以使用Siri语音命令来控制导航、娱乐选项、电话以及暖气和空调等功能。如果合作成功,届时苹果和这些汽车厂商将实现双赢。


    或许两者都有可能,而双方能借此实现共赢。苹果最近表示,正在同多家汽车制造商合作,以将全新的iOS 7操作系统整合到后者的汽车中,合作厂商包括通用汽车(General Motors)、梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)、日产(Nissan)以及现代(Hyundai)。顺理成章的,这款产品被命名为“车载版iOS”。汽车电脑的屏幕可能看起来与iPhone一样,用户可以使用Siri语音命令来控制导航、娱乐选项、电话以及暖气和空调等功能。

    用户最喜爱的应用程序可从手机投映到屏幕上。加上3G或4G网络连接,驾驶者或乘客可通过该格式购买和下载音乐,或许还能通过亚马逊(Amazon)订购商品。位于美国田纳西州纳什维尔的日产汽车发言人大卫•罗伊特承认:“我们一直在与苹果就iOS 7进行合作。”他还表示,语音助理应用Siri将被用于日产和英菲尼迪的部分车型。


    如果有汽车能带来如苹果般的数码功能与用户体验,那么毫无疑问,iPhone的狂热粉丝会被牢牢吸引住。苹果设备的出货量如今已超过6亿,这对于汽车厂商而言是个无法忽视的天文数字。“统一接口的优势不言而喻,” 一位汽车业高管说。“人们只需要了解一种能同时适应汽车和智能手机的格式,而不是两种。”不过,由于竞争关系,这位高管并不愿透露姓名。






    Can the iPhone help automakers sell cars? Or will cars help Apple sell more gadgets?

    Perhaps both. Apple (AAPL) recently said it is working with a number of automakers, including General Motors (GM), Mercedes-Benz, Nissan (NSANY) and Hyundai to integrate its new iOS 7operating system into cars. The product is called, not shockingly, "iOS in the Car." The car's screen might look like an iPhone's, allowing Siri voice commands control navigation, entertainment choices, phone and functions such as heating and air conditioning.

    Favorite apps might be projected from the phone to the screen. Combined with a 3G or 4G connection, the format could allow driver or passenger to buy and download music–or, perhaps, order merchandise via Amazon (AMZN). "We have been working with Apple on iOS 7," acknowledged David Reuter, a spokesman for Nissan Motor in Nashville, Tennessee. He also said that Siri will be used in some Nissan and Infiniti models.

    Digital features have become a more important consideration–crucial for some–when choosing a car to buy. What's unclear is whether broader digital and wireless capability in cars will add to driver distraction or, conversely, increase safety by letting drivers keep their eyes on the road while letting Siri read them texts and email.

    In any event, it's a sure thing that iPhone's most avid fans will be attracted to car models that emulate Apple's digital feel and experience. With some 600 million Apple devices in customer hands, automakers have a huge audience with which to connect. "The advantage of a common interface is self-evident," said one auto executive, who asked not to be identified because of industry competition. "You only have to learn one format for your car and smartphone, rather than two."

    The auto industry has long realized the potential benefits of what it now refers to as "the connected car"–that is, the car as a node in the digital world. But smartphones have largely transcended the screens on car dashboards, because they do more and are easier to use.

    GM, which pioneered connection of its cars to the communication grid via OnStar, has achieved modest success with monthly subscriptions to the satellite service, though nothing near the industry standard it hoped to establish. Others like Ford (F) and BMW have struggled with infotainment systems that were buggy or hard to use, frustrating and alienating some car owners and seeing their overall quality ratings decline as a result.

    Ford, which collaborates with Microsoft (MSFT) on its infotainment systems, is one of the carmakers that so far hasn't been mentioned in the same breath as Apple. But if Apple proves helpful in the sales or pricing of a particular car model, especially one favored by younger buyers, Ford would likely consider how it might also offer the iPhone format.

    But carmakers will exercise caution, since consumers are notoriously fickle and could embrace a new and different digital standard as enthusiastically as they embraced the iPhone. Sales of Android devices using Google's (GOOG) operating system are greater than Apple's.

    A new generation cares much more about megabytes of storage and clock speeds than horsepower or torque. The automakers get this, which is why Apple will be playing a bigger role in cars.
