

《财富》杂志 2013-06-27
史宗玮今年刚刚30岁,已经是Hearsay Social公司的CEO,同时也是Facebook首席运营官谢丽尔•桑德伯格的入室弟子,也是星巴克公司最年轻的董事。她说,真正的成功¬是帮助别人,让他们变得更强大,同时学会依靠别人。

    《财富》杂志举办的科技头脑风暴大会(7月22日至24日在美国科罗拉多州阿斯彭召开)定期召集科技与创新领域最优秀和最聪明的思想家相聚一堂。每周,《财富》杂志都会重点推介一位大会嘉宾,分享他/她对于商业、科技和创业的真知灼见。本周,我们代表年轻企业家向Hearsay Social的创始人兼CEO史宗玮就工作之余的生活、最崇拜的公司以及行业建议提出了10个问题。她的回答如下。








    Hearsay Social刚成立几个月时,我和共同创始人史蒂夫(•加利蒂)差一点就成功聘用的一个人,但在最后一刻双方都退缩了。我一直很遗憾,希望将来某一天能和他一起工作。


    Rent the Runway——这家公司太酷了!它们出租设计师服装——包括从纽约设计师凯特•丝蓓到著名华裔女设计师王薇薇等大牌设计师的作品——这些售价动辄成百上千美元的服装以更平价的价格出租,让更多女性能身着漂亮独特的服装出席具特别有意义的活动。

    Fortune's Brainstorm Tech Conference (July 22-24 in Aspen, Colo.) regularly brings together the best and brightest minds in tech innovation. Each week, Fortune will turn the spotlight on a different conference attendee to offer his or her own personal insight into business, tech, and entrepreneurship. This week, we asked Hearsay Social founder and CEO Clara Shihto answer 10 questions about life outside of work, the company she admires most, and industry advice for young entrepreneurs. Her responses follow:

    What is the best advice you ever received?

    The best advice I ever received is from my mentor Craig Weatherup, who says "head, heart, and hands" are the keys to leadership, referring to the importance of all three: analyzing objective data and facts, leading with passion and purpose, and rolling up your sleeves and being in the trenches with your people.

    What would you say to a group of young people looking to enter the tough job market?

    Be fearless, scrappy, and opportunistic. Don't let ego or entitlement prevent you from starting at the bottom, working your way up, and carving your own path. Above all, find people who inspire you and who you can learn from, then work like crazy to not let them (or yourself!) down.

    What would you do if you weren't working at your current job?

    I couldn't imagine doing anything else!

    What was your biggest missed opportunity?

    There is someone my co-founder Steve [Garrity] and I very nearly hired when Hearsay Social was just a few months old, but in the eleventh hour both sides got cold feet. I have always regretted that this didn't work out and hope to work with him someday.

    What is one startup you would have wanted to found?

    Rent the Runway -- such a cool company! They rent designer dresses -- from big names like Kate Spade New York to Vera Wang -- that normally retail for hundreds of dollars at a more affordable price, allowing more women to wear a beautiful, unique dress to very special events.
