

JP Mangalindan 2013-05-08


    售价必须控制在一千美元以内。价格最好不要高于500美元。当然,这确实是第一件可穿戴计算设备,但既然苹果可以将第一代16G iPad定为499美元,为什么谷歌不能呢?最佳价位应该是多少呢?斯科布在评论中的建议是200美元。





    Beef up the battery. Although tech influencer Robert Scoble loved Glass so much he declared he would never live another day of his life without it (or at least a comparable competitor) one of the few things he did lament was poor battery life. Independently, Stevens found that with moderate use like reading emails and taking short videos, he managed about five hours before Glass died on him. For a mobile device, that's pretty mediocre however you look at it.

    Keep it under a grand. Better yet, price it $500 or less. It's the first in a new wave of computing devices sure, but if Apple could peg the first-generation 16-gigabyte iPad at $499, we think Google can too. The sweet spot? $200, Scoble suggested in his review.

    Toss in a recording indicator. While Glass' current industrial design may be anything but subtle, the one thing it's sorely lacking is an indicator that lets people around the Glass wearer know their photo is being taken or they're being captured on video. Toss in something -- like say, a small LED light, as Stevens suggests -- that lets others know when this is happening, and Google could head off something much bigger: a public outcry over privacy.

    What other make-or-break features would you like to see make it into Google Glass, Fortune readers? Weigh in below.
