

Roger Parloff 2013-05-07


    和硅谷的许多创业英雄不同,鲁毅智不是那种性急浮躁、头戴光环、大学还没念完就辍学办公司的天才小子。相反,他凭借努力奋斗、坚强意志和耐心坚持,才获得了莱斯大学(Rice University)的电子工程学博士学位,成为了美国公民。然后,他在德州仪器(Texas Instruments)和摩托罗拉(Motorola)一路事业上升。直到2000年,鲁毅智已经55岁的时候,AMD才将他聘为首席运营官,同时也将他作为AMD创始人杰瑞•桑德斯的接班人来培养。

    从这本书的风格和内容来看,鲁毅智是个工程师和经理人,而不是一名企业家。无论是他本人还是他的作品,都既不幽默谐趣,也谈不上文采飞扬。他表现出了一些热情,但是又严格地收敛住了。(这本书是与居住在墨西哥城的一名《基督教科学葴言报》(Christian Science Monitor)记者劳伦•维拉格兰合著的。)

    Ruiz was born poor in Piedras Negras, a Mexican village across the Rio Grande from Eagle Pass, Texas. A coal-mining town, it drew its name from the "black rocks ... that had made a few lucky people rich," Ruiz writes. Ruiz's family was not among those lucky few, so his rise to become CEO of one of Silicon Valley's most significant companies is inspirational. The title of Ruiz's book, Slingshot, references Project Slingshot, AMD's in-house term for its David and Goliath battle against Intel. It's also a reference to Ruiz's humble childhood, during which he learned to use slingshots made "in the biblical style: with a pocket of leather looped with a string."

    Unlike many Silicon Valley heros, Ruiz is no brash, flashy, wunderkind who dropped out of college to found his own company. He is, rather, someone who through hard work, formidable will, and patient perseverance, earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Rice University, became a U.S. citizen, and worked his way up the ladders at Texas Instruments and Motorola until, in 2000, at age 55, AMD hired him as chief operating officer and heir apparent to its more charismatic founder, Jerry Sanders.

    In style as well as substance, then, Ruiz is an engineer and manager, not an entrepreneur. Neither he nor his writing are witty or incandescent; they are straightforward, clear, understated, and a bit plodding. He evinces passion, but it is tightly reined in. (The book is written with Lauren Villagran, a Mexico City-based journalist who writes for the Christian Science Monitor.)


    Slingshot provides a CEO's-eye view of AMD's war with Intel, which is, of course, very different from a litigator's. If you are hoping to learn fresh details of AMD's legal battle, this is not the book for you. In fact, under the terms of a very broad gag order imposed upon the litigators by U.S. District Judge Joseph Farnan, Jr., who presided over AMD's civil suit against Intel in Delaware, Ruiz was, just like the press, kept largely in the dark about the evidence as it emerged during the first four years of litigation. Cracks did not appear in this judicially imposed cone of silence until May 2009, when the European Commission leveled its fine against Intel and then, four months later, issued a (still heavily redacted) 542-page opinion. The cone was at last more seriously compromised in November 2009, when then-New York State attorney general Andrew Cuomofiled his own tell-all, email-laden complaint against Intel, doing an end-run around Judge Farnan's strictures. (Though Ruiz doesn't discuss it, in my humble opinion Judge Farnan's gag order was both severely overbroad and crucial to Intel's long holdout against AMD. It very nearly converted the most important competition litigation of the decade into de facto private arbitration -- inexplicably funded by taxpayers.)
