

Keith Proctor 2013-05-02


    “波士顿爆炸案基本上证实了我们已经知道的一个事实,”美国公民自由联盟隐私与技术项目(Privacy & Technology Project)总监本•维兹奈尔说。“那就是,这些摄像头虽然是非常有效的破案手段,但是根本无法预防和震慑严重犯罪行为。”


    监控措施的支持者指出,技术的进步足以证明,终有一天,摄像头将发挥增强应对机制,协助预防犯罪的作用。视频监控领域的领导者,比如洛克希德•马丁公司(Lockheed Martin)和诺斯罗普•格鲁曼公司(Northrop Grumman),正在实现从模拟到数字的产业转移,开始研发犹如科幻小说一般的智能摄像头。







    According to critics of surveillance, cameras aid investigation and apprehension in the aftermath, not the prevention, of acts of terrorism. In London, which Rudy Giuliani called the "Hollywood studio" of surveillance, cameras played an instrumental role in quickly identifying the 7/7 bombers. Sadly, it was only after the fact.

    "What we saw in Boston largely confirmed what we already knew," said Ben Wizner, Director of the ACLU's Speech, Privacy & Technology Project. "Cameras are ineffective at the prevention and deterrence of serious crime. They can be very effective at solving crime."

'Minority Report,' here we come

    Advocates of surveillance point to advancements in technology as proof that cameras will, in the future, enhance response and assist prevention. Leaders of video surveillance -- companies like Lockheed Martin (LMT) and Northrop Grumman (NOC) -- are shifting the industry from analog to digital, and into the uncanny, science-fiction realm of smart cameras.

    The future of surveillance is "video analytics," where computers will automatically analyze camera feeds to count people, register temperature changes, and, via statistical algorithms, identify suspicious behavior. No technicians required. Up to this point, surveillance has been limited by personnel: for surveillance to be useful in real-time, someone has to keep an eye on all those CCTV feeds.

    And there's growing demand. A ReportsNReports analysis estimated the size of the smart surveillance and video analytics global market at $13.5 billion in 2012; it's expected to reach $39 billion by 2020.

    The promise of video analytics has been oversold in the past. And yet the move toward increasingly elaborate -- and concentrated -- urban surveillance seems inevitable.

    Don't expect much public opposition, either. While American aversion to the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) blunted efforts to employ surveillance drones domestically, Americans seem less bothered by security cameras. They haven't been used as high-profile tools to kill foreigners on the other side of the world. Domestic drone use feels like the government is pointing its weapons at us. Cameras are permissible because they're banal.

    And, in fact, they're already here. By the thousands. There will be thousands more.
