

Matt Vella 2013-04-26

    J.Crew首席执行官兼苹果(Apple)董事会成员米基•德雷克斯勒表示,史蒂夫•乔布斯生前一直梦想打造一款苹果汽车,即iCar,借此颠覆全球汽车产业。无独有偶,苹果现任首席执行官也曾对《纽约时报》(New York Times )说过类似的话。虽然乔布斯未能在有生之年实现夙愿,但我们现在终于能够一睹iCar风采,虽然它并不是由苹果打造。

    大众(Volkswagen )在今年的上海汽车展上发布了iBeetle(甲壳虫)。为何有个“i”?这款新车的造型略微有些变化,但仍是一如既往的经典。最重要的是,新款甲壳虫对苹果iPhone进行了深度集成,在中控面板上安装了iPhone扩展坞。只要将iPhone插入,就能轻松掌控汽车导航及音响系统。(当然,通过无线连接同样支持。)





    According to J.Crew CEO and Apple board member Mickey Drexler, Steve Jobs long dreamed of taking on the global automotive industry by building an Apple car, the would-be iCar. The Apple chief reportedly told the New York Times something similar. Though Jobs never got to make it happen, the iCar is coming. Sort of.

    At this year's Shanghai Auto Show, Volkswagen unveiled the iBeetle. Why the "i?" The new variant of the classic design is built around deep integration with Apple's (AAPL) iPhone. It sports a docking station for the popular smartphone on the dashboard. A plugged-in iPhone can tap into the vehicle's navigation and audio systems. (A wireless connection is also available.)

    How is this different from pervious iPhone-auto integrations? Volkswagen is releasing an app that supercharges what the iPhone can do inside the vehicle. One part of the program displays vehicle information, such as coolant temperatures and oil levels. Another can compare driving times and distances. It also pipes in tunes from Spotify or iTunes and, natch, makes calls that can be run through the car's stereo too.

    Of course, much of this isn't new. Carmakers, telecoms, software designers, and chip makers are rushing to bring the innovations made ubiquitous by smartphones and tablets to cars. Researcher ABI estimates that by 2016, over 200 million cars will have Internet access -- and that means loads of sensors, apps, and processors. Dashboards are quickly being replaced with high-tech features associate with mobile devices, from video calling to custom dials.

    VW says the car was designed to match the look of Apple's smartphones. In other words, it'll be available in gray, white, and black. The iBeetle and iBeetle convertible are due on dealer lots at the beginning of next year. The iBeetle's price was not revealed.
