

JP Mangalindan/Kurt Wagner 2013-04-11


    盈洭科技有限公司(Vito Technology)开发的天文学应用软件星际漫步(Star Walk)和太阳系漫步(Solar Walk)多次出现在苹果的广告中,包括iPad 3演示。盈洭科技公司CEO维克多•托波尔科夫表示,这两款应用软件成为苹果公司宣传活动的一部分之后,它们的销量并没有大幅提高,但是确实有助于保持它们在苹果商店的王者地位。(星际漫步目前在英国十大教学应用中排名第七位,而且始终是美国的十大应用之一)苹果公司强调了旅游、教育、音乐、新闻和游戏等领域的应用软件。但是某些应用软件只是出现的频率更高,或是带有更多炫耀的成分。今天,我们就为大家介绍一下苹果最偏爱的一部分应用软件。

    Steve Jobs was a stickler for detail, requiring final approval on everything from ads to wording on his Keynote presentations. It's no surprise then that the company he built places similar attention to detail when choosing apps to highlight in its ads and new product promotions. Apple (AAPL,Fortune 500) won't talk about the selection process (a spokesman declined to comment), but there's little doubt that inclusion in an Apple commercial, or better yet, a launch video at one of Apple's major press events, can help boost an app's popularity. Developers agree to the company's Program Licensing Agreement before apps move to the App Store, giving the company full license to use material as it sees fit. Many app developers are therefore pleasantly surprised when their apps become part of Apple's marketing campaign. Tread through the comments section of any Apple commercial uploaded to YouTube, and you'll find numerous requests from viewers trying to identify the featured apps.

    Astronomy apps Star Walk and Solar Walk, both created by Vito Technology, have been featured in multiple Apple advertisements, including the iPad 3 presentation. Vito CEO Victor Toporkov says that inclusion in Apple promotions doesn't dramatically increase app sales for his astronomy apps, but it does help them retain a top position in the App Store. (Star Walk currently sits at No. 7 on the list of Top 10 education apps in the U.K. and routinely holds a Top 10 rating in the U.S.) Apple highlights apps from a number of categories, including travel, education, music, news, and games. But some simply appear more often, or with more fanfare, than others. Here's a look at some of the company's favorite apps.
