

JP Mangalindan 2013-04-08
Facebook发挥在社交上的优势,推出了一个专门面向智能手机的软件包Facebook Home,提升智能手机用户的社交体验。但是,这个软件包目前只能在安卓手机上运行。不过,既然苹果现在正在准备iOS 7,何不向Facebook Home借鉴一二?

    如果不擅长,千万不要勉强。苹果在许多领域相当精通——工业设计、优雅的界面、平板电脑——但事实是:社交网络从来就不是它的强项。iTunes社交服务应用Ping的失败就是个鲜明的例子,首先它的名字本身就不讨喜。虽然苹果目前允许Twitter和Facebook和iOS有限整合,但苹果接纳这两家公司——尤其是Facebook——的步伐还是太慢。扎克伯格暗示iOS系统最终将提供类似Android Home的体验。我们认为苹果需要进一步依靠Facebook。Home上的统一消息系统就是个挺新奇的点子,至少对热衷Facebook消息的用户而言是如此。




    If it's not your strong suit, look elsewhere. Apple is master of many things -- industrial design, elegant interfaces, tablets -- but let's face it: Social has never been one of them. One need look no further than the failed, awkwardly named iTunes social networking service Ping for proof. Although Apple now allows some degree of Twitter and Facebook integration, the company was slow to embrace the two companies -- particularly Facebook -- and Zuckerberg hints the Home experience on Android will eventually come to iOS. We think Apple could do with leaning on Facebook even further. A unified messaging system like the one Home sports is a novel idea, at least for avid Messenger users.

    Relax -- just a little bit. A Home-like experience for iOS would likely be great for users who want it, but why the hold-up? Apple's tight reigns over iOS development is likely the culprit. Though Zuckerberg told Fortune Facebook has a good relationship with Apple, he also suggested when it comes to iOS development, you really need to work with them. "We'd love to offer this on iPhone, and we just can't today," he explained. "We will work with Apple to do the best experience that we can within what they want, but I think that a lot of people who really like Facebook -- and just judging from the numbers, people are spending a fifth of their time in phones on Facebook. That's a lot of people."

    Don't commodify the hardware. With Home, the social network is front and center. That's understandable -- it wants to get on as many Android smartphones as possible. But the HTC handset that will launch with the app pre-loaded hardly looks cutting edge. (Very telling: No hardware features were given during the announcement.) And let's face it, it's hard to get excited over a piece of software running on ho-hum hardware. Our point being this: As Apple explores new revenue streams, particularly in areas like China, and mulls over more inexpensive iPhone models, it shouldn't treat its hardware with any less emphasis than it already does. Because for Facebook, HTC's average-seeming handset sounds to us like a missed opportunity.
