

Matt Vella 2013-04-07
Jeep 2014款切诺基的新设计没能赢得满堂彩。没错,Jeep的确需要进一步拓展品牌对市场的吸引力,但同时又不能抛弃传统,疏远忠实粉丝,因为这个品牌承载的东西太多了。


    保时捷或许是最好的榜样。就像Jeep是越野车的同义词一样,保时捷(Porsche)广为人知的一项功能就是飙车。这家德国公司的设计(基本上)都拥有鲜明的特征,包括圆形头灯以及不可能被认错的前引擎盖倾角。最近的纽约汽车展上,我发现传奇的911车型与下一代卡宴S(Cayman S)之间有着惊人的相似之处(请看上图)。

    但最好的案例可能是一个已经消亡很久的品牌:悍马(Hummer)。通用汽车的这款超大重型SUV在2008年开始思考,在原有的“男人中的男人”形象之外,如何进一步拓展市场。那一年,通用汽车在底特律召开的北美国际汽车展上推出了“Hummer HX”概念车。这款悍马车比它当时最小的车型短约1.5英寸,燃油经济性却提高了多达50%。这款概念车原本定于2010年左右上市,却永远没有等到出头之日。金融危机注定了它难逃厄运。其实,HX并没有背离悍马的血统。它既秉承了以往更大车型的粗犷气质,又实现了燃油经济等新目标。



    Porsche may be the best example. Much like Jeeps are synonymous with off-roading, Porsche cars are known for a singular purpose: driving fast. The German company's designs have -- mostly -- shared strong characteristics, including rounded headlamps as well as the unmistakable slope of the front hood. At the New York Auto Show, currently taking place, I found it striking to see the similarities between a vintage 911 near a next-generation Cayman S. (For evidence, see photo above.)

    But the best case study may be a long-gone brand: Hummer. GM's larger-than-thou heavy SUV began to contemplate life beyond the man's man demographic in 2008. The company unveiled its Hummer HX concept at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit that year. This Hummer would have been nearly a foot and a half shorter than its then-smallest vehicle and as much as 50% more fuel-efficient. The concept, which was due around 2010, never saw the light of day as the financial crisis doomed the brand. Rather than an apostasy of the Hummer nameplate, the HX carried over the rugged appeal of its larger cousins while achieving new goals including fuel efficiency.

    With so much riding on the Cherokee, Jeep executives might do well to study it.
