

Barb Darrow 2013-04-03

    4月1日恰逢愚人节,谷歌(Google)推出了一项名为“谷歌嗅觉”(Google Nose)的服务。这个还处于测试阶段的新玩意号称能“利用最新技术向用户提供最敏锐的嗅觉体验”。这或许只是愚人节玩笑,不过将来未必没有可能。

    IBM去年12月曾表示,计算机在不远的将来有望获得嗅觉能力。无独有偶,据《华盛顿邮报》(the Washington Post)报道,Cyrano Sciences公司正在进行数字嗅觉方面的研究。它的最新产品电子鼻能识别炸弹和遭到污染的食物,用途非常广泛。






    A Google April Fool’s Day post on Google Nose, a new service in beta that “leverages new and existing technologies to offer the sharpest olfactory experience available” may have been a joke, but it’s not that far from reality.

    Just ask IBM which last December said technologies that endow computers with a sense of smell are on the cusp of reality, if not broad adoption. Or Cyrano Sciences, which the Washington Post points out, is working to give machines a sense of smell. An electronic nose that could sniff out explosives and food contaminants, could be hugely useful.

    IBM, which fields a prodigious research organization, is convinced that endowing computers with human-like senses is a key focus and outlined its thoughts in its annual list of five technologies to watch last December.

    Such technologies include chemical sensors that emit an odor when they detect some sort of pattern. “You can paint chemical sensors on a surface and when they detect a pattern, they give off a smell — you could make a rich paint with all sorts of sensors that mimic things that you like,” IBM fellow and VP of innovation Bernie Meyerson told me at the time.

    If integrated with a smartphone, for example, these technologies could tell from your breath that you have or are about to get a cold and enable your doctor to diagnose you remotely based on that information and prescribe treatment.

    So a computing device with a nose that knows is really not all that crazy.
