

Michal Lev-Ram 2013-02-22

    英特尔曾耗费巨资,成功推广了“Intel Inside”这一理念,不过,钱德拉塞卡表示高通并不打算仿效前者。(即便高通有这个想法,也是心有余而力不足。虽然高通目前市值要高于英特尔,但位于加州圣克拉拉市的半导体巨头英特尔的净利润仍是高通的近两倍。)高通目前任务非常明确,一方面努力提高核心竞争力,另一方面加大对公司形象的投入。虽然钱德拉塞卡对高通的市场推广预算三缄其口,但他仍透露,数额要“比去年大幅提高”。



    Still, Chandrasekher says Qualcomm has no plans to match the amount of money his former employer poured into its successful Intel Inside campaign. (It couldn't even if it wanted to -- Qualcomm now has a larger market cap than Intel, but the Santa Clara, Calif.-based semiconductor giant still rakes in nearly twice the net income earned by Qualcomm.) At the same time, it's clear Qualcomm feels the heightened competition as well as the need to start investing more seriously in its image. Chandrasekher won't disclose how large of a marketing budget he's now working with but says there's "huge growth this year versus last year."

    Qualcomm has a long way to go. A recent ranking of the best global brands by brand consultancy Interbrand didn't even include Qualcomm. Despite its challenges in mobile, Intel was no. 8 on the list. Rival Nvidia (NVDA) was also missing from the list, though it is widely recognized among gamers and recently announced a gaming device that shows off what its technology can do. Qualcomm got out of the consumer device business a long time ago, but it's now realizing that it can no longer afford to take a backseat, even if it doesn't sell directly to mobile users. A viral video or two could help push its brand-- that is, of course, assuming the bus stop video actually goes viral.
