

Olof Schybergson 2013-01-31
耐克FuelBand运动手环, Pebble智能手表,谷歌智能眼镜Google Glass,GoPro的穿戴式录像机……越来越多的高科技产品开始在我们的手腕、脖子、耳朵和眼睛上安家。它们推动的智能服务浪潮将席卷医疗、保健、通讯等生活的方方面面。更重要的是,它们得学着看人的脸色,而不是让人来适应它们。

    Misfit Shine



    • 适应真实世界——考虑一下,如何最好地结合神奇的科技能力和人们在真实世界的习惯和愿望。

    • 了解客户需求——确定你明白所设计产品的目标人群,了解他们的需求和愿望。

    • 保持明确核心——把核心服务和它带来的核心利益放在绝对的第一位。如果你的产品如果不能面向未来,就难以避免被淘汰的命运。

    • 分割产品功能——可穿戴设备应该做得很小。仔细考虑你的设备上什么做得最好,再看看什么功能以“留给”给智能手机。

    • 最佳时尚体验——就像MetaWatch的比尔•盖泽所言:“我们戴的是设备,穿的却是时尚。”

    • 了解数据关键——要关心硬件,但更要关心科技带来的智能数据服务。这些小配件只是通向互连数据王国的钥匙。

    • 促进数据流动——允许用户的数据在设备间传递,并能自由地输出和积累。用户可以通过比较和整合解决方案获得更多好处。

    • 注重简便设计——保证用户只要瞥一眼设备就能得到有价值的信息。

    • 享受创造的乐趣——这个领域需要领袖。听从传奇发明家和设计师巴克敏斯特•富勒的忠告:“预测未来的最好方法就是设计未来。”

    奥勒夫•谢柏格森是2001年成立的Fjord公司联合创始人之一。此后,他带领公司成为世界上最成功的服务设计咨询公司,客户包括英国广播公司(BBC)、花旗银行(Citibank)、娱乐体育节目电视网(ESPN)、Flickr、移动支付公司Foursquare、哈佛大学医学院(Harvard Medical School)、诺基亚(Nokia)、高通公司(Qualcomm)等。奥勒夫拥有多年与知名品牌合作的经验,并为它们设计突破经验的产品,让复杂的系统变得简单优美。奥勒夫经常在全球性会议和活动上发表演讲,最近出席的活动包括《财富》2012年科技头脑风暴大会、GigaOm Mobilize、以及Rutberg Future: Mobile等。


    But even with all the promise, making new wearables fit into the lives and habits of normal people is even more challenging than the many inherent technical obstacles. The most powerful new services help us transform our behavior or adopt new habits. Technology can move very fast, but it takes a lot to change behavior.

    Winning strategies for wearables. If you're considering a move into wearables, here are a few recommendations:

    • Tech fit for the real world – Consider how to best marry amazing technical capabilities with people's real-world habits and desires.

    • Understand needs – Ensure you know who you're designing the wearables for, and what their needs and desires are.

    • Sharp focus – Prioritize ruthlessly around your core service and its core benefit, your wearable device will inevitably die if it contracts featuritis.

    • Segment functionality – As wearables should be small, carefully consider what's best done and seen on the device itself, and what can be "delegated" to a smartphone.

    • Make the experience desirable and stylish – As Bill Geiser of MetaWatch says, "we carry devices but we wear fashion."

    • Know the data core – Obsess about the hardware, but obsess even more about the smart data service enabled by the technology. The gadget is merely the keyhole into a kingdom of interconnected data.

    • Data fluidity – Allow users' data to move fluidly between devices and be freely exported and aggregated, as users will get more benefit from solutions that can be compared and mashed up.

    • Design for the glance – Ensure a simple glance at the device can provide information and value.

    • Have fun inventing – The category needs leadership. Follow the advice of legendary inventor and designer Buckminster Fuller, who said "The best way to predict the future is to design it."

    Olof co-founded Fjord in 2001, and has since led the company to become one of the world's most successful service design consultancies working with clients including the BBC, Citibank, ESPN, Flickr, Foursquare, Harvard Medical School, Nokia, and Qualcomm, among others. Olof has years of experience collaborating with major brands to design breakthrough experiences that make complex systems simple and elegant. A frequent speaker at global conferences and events, recent appearances include Fortune 2012 Brainstorm Tech, GigaOm Mobilize, and Rutberg Future: Mobile.
