

Adam Lashinsky 2013-01-25
苹果的最新财报显示,它的表现并不像所有人预想的那般完美。但面临种种威胁,它已经做到了最好。Mini iPad的成功帮助它保住了市场份额,苹果也在投资扩大零售网点。但苹果CEO否认即将推出不同尺寸的iPhone。

    首先是坏消息:苹果公司(Apple)的利润并没有有太大增长。我们都了解背后的原因。iPad Mini占了苹果iPad约一半的销量,但iPad Mini的利润却远不及iPad。另外一个对公司利润增长产生影响的因素则是其资本支出,据预测今年公司资本支出将达到100亿美元,而去年为80亿美元。


    下面是好消息。问及关于市场份额的问题时,公司CEO蒂姆•库克曾表示,苹果专注于制造优秀的产品,而不是增长收入。但不论库克如何暗示公司并不关注市场份额,iPad Mini的成功都说明,苹果确实正在努力保持它在平板市场的份额。对于苹果是否有兴趣开发多款不同尺寸iPhone的问题,他也予以否认。这些都意味着,苹果尚未准备好推出不同尺寸的iPhone手机。




    First, the bad news:Apple's profits aren't growing much. We pretty much know why. The iPad Mini accounts for about half of Apple's iPad sales—and the Mini is a less profitable product than the Maxi. The other strain on Apple's profits is its capital expenditures, a forecasted $10 billion this year, up from $8 billion the year before.

    Oh, there were other reasons. Personal computer sales are generally weak the world 'round, and Apple (AAPL) isn't immune. Apple's quarter was a week shorter than in the year-earlier quarter. Really.

    Now for the good news: The iPad Mini's success is a sign that no matter what CEO Tim Cook implies about not being concerned about market share—he answered a direct question on the subject by saying Apple is focused on building great products, not growing revenues—Apple is fighting to keep its share of the tablet market. He dismissed a question about Apple's interest in producing multiple sizes of iPhones. All that means is that Apple hasn't yet introduced multiple sizes of iPhones.

    If ever a company can afford to invest in its future by insuring that it brings in new customers it is Apple. It ended its quarter with $137 billion in cash. Another hopeful sign is that same capital-expenditure figure. Apple says it is spending about 10% of the $10 billion on new retail stores. The rest is for equipment. Those who question Apple's ability to profit from its massive investments in new equipment to build category-defining products are betting against a juggernaut.

    Am I being too optimistic? Perhaps. It's actually a lot easier to be optimistic with Apple's stock below $500 per share. Just a few months ago analysts were guessing when Apple would be valued at a trillion dollars. Apple could do no wrong. That clearly wasn't correct, but neither is it the case that today Apple can do no right. It generated $16 billion in cash flow in the quarter.

    What's fascinating is that while I have no doubt Apple is proceeding apace with its grand, secretive plans, if you watch closely you also can see the company sweating. Cook opened the earnings call with a soliloquy about what a "prolific" period the company is in, a favorite word of his, and how his job is to preserve the culture of Apple. "The most important thing to us is that our customers love our products," he said. "Not just buy them, but love them." The comment called to mind how Jeff Bezos taunted Apple in September by saying that Amazon (AMZN) wants to make money when people use their products, not when they buy them.
