

JP Mangalindan 2013-01-22


    黑莓X10则较少为人所知了,它是一款外观偏传统的黑莓设备。从经典的四排式键盘设计,到键盘上方的那块触摸屏,都很像以前的黑莓Bold系列。(从泄漏的图片中可以看出,触屏的面积要比Bold系列大一些。)习惯了在触屏上打字的苹果(Apple)、安卓(Android)和Windows Phone用户可能会直接忽略黑莓X10,但考虑到黑莓手机的老用户习惯使用物理键盘,提供一款具备物理键盘的手机也是情理之中的事。电信业的许多高管都认为,许多消费者依然支持物理键盘。这些顾客是黑莓最宝贵的衣食父母,而在RIM追赶苹果和谷歌的过程中,这些顾客已经被忽视得太久了。


    RIM希望通过最新的黑莓10操作系统的所谓“Flow”界面为消费者带来更加直观的操作体验。黑莓10系统的应用程序采用了像iPhone一样的正方形图标。这个系统没有Home键,但是无论向上下左右哪个方向滑动,都会开启一些不同的功能。比如向上滑动可以查看“活跃框架”。它有点像XP8系统的“动态磁贴”,可以显示目前被打开的应用。下向滑动可以查看手机设置。从左向右滑动,可以打开“BlackBerry Hub”。它像一个“超级收件箱”,可以把用户所有的电子邮件、微博、社交网站短消息和其它通讯汇总起来。从右到左滑动可以查看上一个任务、应用、屏幕等。

    黑莓10的虚拟键盘也比以往更加智能,可以根据用户键入的字母和语境进行单词联想。HTML5友好型的浏览器还会把标题栏隐藏起来,以节省屏幕空间。一个名叫“Time Shift”的新功能可以让相机快速连拍10张照片,其中5张是在你按动快门前拍摄的,另外5张是在你按动快门后拍摄的。用户可以从不同的照片中,选择各个被拍摄对象的最佳面部表情,替换在最终的照片上。(财富中文网)


    The BlackBerry X10 (Maybe?)

    Less is known about the BlackBerry X10, a more-traditional looking RIM device that resembles like its BlackBerry Bold series, from the now-classic-looking four-row keyboard to the touchscreen above it. (Predictably, that touchscreen appears to be larger based on leaked photos.) Those accustomed to touch-typing on their iPhones, Android and Windows Phone devices might write off the X10, but given RIM's long-time clients are used to physical keys, offering a phone with them is a safe bet. Many executives in the telecom industry believe there is a strong constituency for physical keyboards, that these are BlackBerry's bread-and-butter customers, and that the company has too long neglected them by chasing Apple (AAPL) and Google (GOOG).

    BlackBerry 10

    With its new operating system, BlackBerry 10, RIM is aiming for a more intuitive experience with what it calls the "Flow" interface. Apps are presented in square-shaped, iPhone-like icons. There's no home button this time around, and swiping from any one of four directions brings up something different. Swipe up to view "active frames," or real-time updating shortcut tiles to apps that are currently open. Swipe down to visit settings. Swipe from left to right bring up the "BlackBerry Hub," a sort of master inbox that groups together all of your emails, tweets, LinkedIn messages, and other communications. Finally, wipe the other way to go back to your previous task, app, screen, etc.

    The virtual keyboard is also smarter and will suggest words above the letter your finger happens to be on based on context, like for instance the placement of the word within the sentence. The HTML5-friendly browser hides the title bar to save space on the screen. A new photo feature called "Time Shift," uses the camera to take 10 shots in rapid succession: five before and five after you engage the shutter. The user then has the option of choosing the subjects' best facial expression from several different photos using it for the final shot.
