

Brian Dumaine 2012-12-18

    • 机器自动化技术将帮助农民减少所需要的水、化肥和种子数量。NIC称,未来五至十年,“自动拖拉机”将使用计算机技术进行更高效的耕种。所谓“自动拖拉机”可以看成是高度自动化的移动生产设施。NIC报告还称,高层结构的“垂直”农业,也有助于提高产量和降低用水量。




    • Robotics might be able to help farmers reduce the amount of water, fertilizer and seed they need. The NIC says that with in the next five to 10 years, "autonomous tractors"—think of them as highly automated manufacturing facilities on wheels—can use computer technology to farm more efficiently. The NIC also reports that "vertical" farming in high-rise structures could help raise yields and reduce water consumption.

    • Irrigation systems on farms waste roughly 60% of the water used. Micro-irrigation systems that use IT to gauge exactly how much water needs to be dripped on plants could boost yields dramatically. The cost of today's micro-irrigation systems, however, is still high.

    As with any set of predictions it difficult to say how fast or even whether any of these new technologies will gain traction. At the very least, they do present some intriguing ideas for investors looking for a way to profit on the 21st century economy.
