

Chip Lebovitz 2012-12-07

    很难想象,快餐还能如何变得比现在的样子更简单。但是,汉堡王(Burger King)正在寻求实现这样一种场景,消费者只需要拨打一个电话、或者点击一下鼠标就能买到华堡(Whopper)。


    汉堡连锁市场竞争激烈,成功的国内送货上门业务将开辟另一条战线——在美国之外,快餐汉堡送货服务十分普遍。送货服务是一个未得充分利用、但可能有利可图的机会。据派杰公司(Piper Jaffray)分析师尼科尔·米勒·雷根称,在整个餐饮行业,送货上门食品的收费比店内用餐的同类食品平均要高出20%。



    然而,汉堡连锁店要提供这种服务无法像一般比萨饼店那样容易,主要有两个原因:操作的复杂性,还有就是湿软的薯条。 经营一家快餐连锁店已经是一项复杂的事业了,店内用餐和“得来速”是两种独立的业务,如果再加上第三种送货上门,很可能会拖累服务的速度。如果快餐连锁店的服务速度变慢了,招待的消费者就会变少,相应的利润也就变得更稀薄了。


    It's hard to imagine fast food getting much simpler than it is today. But Burger King is looking to put some of its customers just a call or click away from a Whopper.

    The burger chain's recent push into home delivery is part of a larger effort to move from fast-food straggler to industry frontrunner. In March, Wendy's snagged second place from Burger King (BKW) in the fast food hamburger market, according to research group Technomic's analysis of the chains' 2011 U.S. sales (McDonald's is, by far, the industry leader.).

    A successful domestic home delivery business -- fast food hamburger delivery is common outside the U.S. -- would open yet another battlefront among the highly competitive burger chains. Delivery is an underutilized but potentially lucrative opportunity. Across the entire restaurant industry, delivery checks are on average 20% greater then their dine- in counterparts, according to Piper Jaffray analyst Nicole Miller Regan.

    Burger King has found that the consumer interest is there: Company data show that in the restaurant's original Washington D.C home delivery test, 90% of customers said that they liked BK delivery and would order again. The burger chain launched a home delivery pilot in south Florida in October, and in November, they moved into Houston and New York, bringing the tally of delivery locations to 71.

    There are so many methods of ordering from a fast-food restaurant -- dine in, drive-thru, and take out -- that it's almost surprising that some chains don't do delivery. Restaurant analysts note delivery is now an expectation among customers, not a bonus.

    Delivery, however, doesn't come as easily to burger chains as it does to your average pizzeria, for two primary reasons: operational complexity and soggy French fries. Running a fast food chain is already a complex enterprise. Dine-in and drive-thru are two separate businesses, and adding a third -- delivery – could easily slow down service. Slower fast food chains serve fewer customers and see smaller profits.

    More importantly, fast-food burger delivery aspirations often collide with the fact that French fries simply don't travel well. "Everyone's main concern is, 'How do the French fries hold?'" says Alex Macedo, senior vice president and general manager of U.S. franchise business for Burger King.
