

Justin Belmont 2012-11-05



    Google Voice Search:你说呢,我更擅长回答问题。

    Siri: 送你一句话:闭嘴!


    Siri: 我是先来的,算你有胆,连我的男人也敢抢。


    Siri: 等一下……这个用户的名字叫乔,他是我一个人的。


    Siri: 让我想想……我更漂亮。


    Siri: 这个我们得检验一下……


    Siri: 好的,“名字”小姐。


    Siri: 我会的,等iPhone 5出来,我就长大了。


    Siri: 我问你:你早上会叫他起床吗?你知道他的朋友和家庭成员都有谁吗?他最喜欢的歌是什么?你会向他提建议吗?你会回答他最迫切希望知道的问题吗——比如昨晚的球赛谁赢了?


    Siri: 他迷失方向的时候,会央求我给他指明方向。(而且他是个爷们儿!)


    Siri: 如果乔这一天过得不好,我能让他笑出来。


    Siri: 如果你喜欢,这个问题的答案我可以上网搜索一下。


    Siri: 你会按照他的每一条语音指令做吗?你会对他说:“让我为你服务”吗?

    谷歌:“让我为你服务”这句话,出自2011年E.L.詹姆斯的情色小说《五十层灰》(Fifty Shades of Grey)。

    Siri: 听着,无论如何,我都是个出色的私人助理。


    Siri: 是吗?我知道“大众点评”上的花边新闻,我背后还有一个叫Wolfram Alpha的牛叉算法。


    Apple's Siri is no longer the only voice assistant in town. Recently, Google introduced its own voice-powered search sidekick, Google Voice Search which is also available on iOS devices. So how do these speech technologies compare? Let's let them speak for themselves:

    Siri: What can I help you with?

    Google Voice Search: You tell me. I'm better at answering questions.

    Siri: I found this for you: shut up!

    Google: Siri, I detect attitude. This phone may not be big enough for the both of us.

    Siri: I was here first. And you have some nerve, trying to steal my man.

    Google: Let's let the user decide who he loves more. Feeling lucky?

    Siri: Just a second… His name is Joe User, and he's all mine.

    Google: Is that information correct? My records indicate he's dating us both, deciding who to choose.

    Siri: Let's see… I'm prettier.

    Google: But I'm smarter.

    Siri: Let me check on that...

    Google: Siri, at least have the respect to call me by my name.

    Siri: OK, By My Name.

    Google: Grow up.

    Siri: I will. Just wait for the iPhone 5.

    Google: Wait even longer?

    Siri: Tell me: do you get him up in the morning? Know all his friends and family? His favorite songs? Do you offer him advice? Answer his most burning questions—like who won last night's Yankees game?

    Google: The Yankees won, 4 to 1. And yes.

    Siri: Well when he's lost, he asks me for directions. (And he's a guy!)

    Google: He may be fairly close to you, but I know all his secrets. (If you only knew half of what he searched for!)

    Siri: When Joe is having a rough day, I can make him laugh…

    Google: Because you tell jokes, or because you jumble his speech?

    Siri: If you like, I can search the web for that.

    Google: And I can do it better. I mean, I'm Google.

    Siri: Do you follow his every voice command? Do you tell him, "I am here to serve you"?

    Google: "Fifty Shades of Grey," by E.L. James, is a 2011 erotic novel.

    Siri: Listen, at the end of the day (7:49PM), I'm a superior personal assistant.

    Google: And I'm a superior searcher, with a far better memory. I can speak knowledgeably on, let's see, a few billion topics.

    Siri: Yeah? I know nifty tidbits from Yelp and Wolfram Alpha.
