

DENIS WILSON 2012-10-12

Truesense Imaging影像公司

    这家公司主要开发生产高性能影像传感器设备,它们广泛用于制造业质检、数字放射显影、地球影像卫星、交通监控和DNA测序系统。据该公司网站资料称:“最终演变为Truesense Imaging的业务最初始于20世纪七十年代伊士曼柯达公司的物理部门,当时该部门主要负责研究还处于萌芽期的固态成像技术……”2011年11月,私募基金公司Platinum Equity收购了该部门,随后成立了Truesense公司。

    柯达在这一领域的成果对数码摄影的发展至关重要。1986年,它研制出首个百万像素的影像传感器,该产品随后用于世界上第一款数码单反相机——1991年推出的柯达DCS-100。不过,世界上首款数码相机原型是1975年由柯达科学家斯蒂夫•沙松研制的:它有烤箱那么大,用模拟卡式磁带拍摄1万像素(.01 megapixel)的黑白照片。

Truesense Imaging

    Truesense Imaging develops and manufactures high-performance image sensor devices that are used in manufacturing inspection, digital radiography, earth imaging satellites, traffic monitoring, and DNA sequencing systems. According to the company's website, "the business that would eventually become Truesense Imaging began in the Physics Division of Eastman Kodak Company in the early 1970s, with research in the nascent area of solid state imaging...." Platinum Equity purchased the division from Kodak in November 2011 and subsequently launched Truesense.

    Kodak's work in this area was crucial to the development of digital photography. In 1986, it built the first megapixel image sensor, which was then used in the world's first digital SLR camera -- the Kodak DCS-100, released in 1991. Though, the first digital camera prototype was actually built by Kodak scientist Steve Sasson in 1975: it was the size of a toaster and captured black and white .01 megapixel images to an analog cassette tape.
