iPhone 5被人忽视的杀手级新功能

iPhone 5被人忽视的杀手级新功能

JP Mangalindan 2012-09-29
绝大部分对iPhone 5的评测都忽视了一点:从4S到5,苹果iPhone的速度有了质的飞跃。

用iOS 6新的全景摄像功能所拍摄的旧金山市区一角

    iPhone 5的全景摄像功能也有些小问题,这项新功能允许用户拍摄极为宽广的照片。在实践中,全景摄像大部分情况下表现得和广告相差无几(见上图),效果非常好。不过,我们偶尔会发现有些运动物体会变形。而且,如果你进行全景摄像时移动手机太快,照片边缘的图像就可能会撕裂。

    再说说iPhone 5上全新的“闪电”接口,这个新玩意非常讨厌而且可能毫无用处。想继续使用老款iPhone数据线?必须花30美元再买个苹果转接器,或是试试更便宜的第三方配件。我本来觉得这是件无关紧要的事,直到昨晚我突然把“闪电”数据线忘公司了,然后悲剧地发现老款iPhone的数据线通通无法使用。

    我们并不是说相比于上代iPhone,iPhone 5的进步不够大。毕竟,iPhone 5速度更快,体型更小。不过,在使用iPhone 5导航时,你最好还是再三确认下方位。


    A more minor issue concerned Panorama, a new software feature that essentially allows a user to take extremely wide shots. In practice, it worked largely as advertised (see above) yielding good results. Infrequently, we noticed some distortion around moving objects. And if you don't "pan" the phone around to capture an image slowly enough, you risk some image tearing in corners.

    The use of a new Lightning connector cable may be an annoyance or a non-event. Want to use your old cords to charge the iPhone? You'll pay $30 for an Apple adapter, or gamble with a cheaper third-party version. For me, it was a non-issue until last night, when I left the Lightning cable at work and realized my old ones wouldn't cut it.

    That's not say the iPhone 5 isn't in many ways a major improvement over iPhones past. It is, after all, faster and leaner. But you'll want to triple-check those directions just in case.
