

Stephen Gandel 2012-09-03


    在最有望执掌E*Trade的候选人中,有一位据称对此并不感兴趣。他就是掌管摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)经纪业务并负责整合美邦(Smith Barney)的格雷格•弗莱明。据接近弗莱明的几位消息人士称,弗莱明称,他没有计划要离开当前的工作。

    自从8月初电子交易金融公司(E*Trade Financial)的董事会将斯蒂文•弗瑞伯格革职后,该公司的CEO职位就一直空缺。弗莱明据传是E*Trade首选的CEO人选之一,但这位摩根士丹利高管的个人表态显然打消了这种可能。与此同时,一直在勉力追赶竞争对手TD Ameritrade和嘉信理财(Charles Schwab)的E*Trade已任命董事长弗兰克•佩特里利出任临时CEO。佩特里利每个月可从这项临时工作中获得50万美元。

    弗莱明在华尔街很受尊重,而且据称与E*Trade最大的外部股东之一、城堡投资集团(Citadel Investment)的负责人肯•格里芬关系密切。

    弗拉明于2009年底加入摩根士丹利,已成为该公司一颗冉冉升起的新星。在此之前,他曾是美林(Merrill Lynch)的总裁和首席运营官,在金融危机顶峰时期美国银行(Bank of America)收购美林的交易中起到了重要作用,这项收购被广泛认为避免了美林的倒闭。尽管如此,弗莱明在这笔交易完成后不久就离开了合并后的公司。据传格里芬早在2009年就曾联系过弗莱明、希望他出任E*Trade一把手,但弗莱明决定到摩根士丹利任职。

    另据报道,掌管富国银行(Wells Fargo)资产管理子公司的戴维•卡罗尔也在E*Trade 公司CEO职位的考虑人选之列。



    E*Trade may have to pay its babysitter overtime.

    One of the top candidates to run the online trading firm, which is known for its trading baby television ads, says he isn't interested in the job. Greg Fleming, who heads Morgan Stanley's brokerage division and is overseeing its integration with Smith Barney, says he has no plans to leave his current position, according to sources close to Fleming.

    The Morgan Stanley (MS) executive's decision eliminates one of E*Trade Financial's (ETFC) reportedly top choices to take over the firm's CEO slot, which was vacated in early Augustwhen Steven Frieberg was ousted by the firm's board of directors. In the meantime, E*Trade, which has struggled to keep up with competitors TD Ameritrade and Charles Schwab, has appointed the chairman of its board Frank Petrilli to be the firm's interim CEO. Petrilli is getting $500,000 a month to fill the temp job.

    Fleming is well-regarded on Wall Street and is reportedly close to Citadel Investment chief Ken Griffin, who is one of E*Trade's largest outside shareholders.

    Fleming joined Morgan Stanley in late 2009 and is a rising star at the firm. Before that he was the President and COO of Merrill Lynch, and was instrumental is inking the acquisition of Merrill by Bank of America at the height of the financial crisis, which is widely seen as having saved Merrill from collapse. Nonetheless, Fleming left the combined firm shortly after the deal was completed. Griffin reportedly approached Fleming about taking over the top slot at E*Trade back in 2009, but Fleming decided to go to Morgan Stanley instead.

    David Carroll, who runs Wells Fargo's asset management unit, is also reportedly under consideration for the E*Trade job.

    An E*Trade spokesman said the firm hasn't official named any candidates for its CEO job. He said the firm is close to hiring an executive search firm and has named five board members to its search committee.
