

ALEX TAYLOR III 2012-06-13


    最新一期的《汽车新闻》(Automotive News)上,记者向福特(Ford)常务副总裁马克•菲尔茨提问道,林肯(Lincoln)是否需要一款“光环车”。菲尔茨巧妙地回避了这个问题:“我们希望确保林肯推出的每一款车型都是光环车。”



    Paradise Lost

    In the current issue of Automotive News, Ford executive Mark Fields is asked whether Lincoln needs a "halo car." He smartly ducks the question: "We want to make sure every vehicle we bring out with Lincoln is a halo car."

    Many automotive terms have become anachronistic or simply defunct over the years -- rumble seat, four-on-the floor, carburetor -- but for some reason, the notion of the "halo car" survives. It's a car with a stylish design or unusual features meant to draw customers into a showroom but not generate a lot of sales -- nor make a lot of money.

    While halo cars may look heavenly when they are conceived, as often as not they end up as fallen angels. They are dismissed as automotive curiosities that failed to capture public imagination, while creating an effect exactly opposite to the one they were designed for: damaging brands rather than lifting them. Here are some classic examples of tarnished halos.
