最差CEO排行 美国银行掌门人夺魁

最差CEO排行 美国银行掌门人夺魁

Stephen Gandel 2012-05-14

    今年的股东大会上,美国银行(Bank of America)的股东们或许希望讨论一下下面这个话题:根据股价表现,布赖恩•莫伊尼汉被评为美国银行业最差劲的CEO。需要说明的是,这次评选活动是在美国银行股价今年飙涨40%之后进行的。


    最近,法国农业信贷银行(Credit Agricole Securities)证券分析师迈克尔•梅奥根据美国各大银行现任CEO任职期间所在银行的股价表现对这些银行业大佬的绩效进行了排名。2010年初,莫伊尼汉开始出任美国银行CEO。自那时起,这家银行的股价已下跌了42%。有鉴于此,莫伊尼汉在这份榜单中成为垫底的一位,但这不仅仅是因为美国银行的股价表现。梅奥表示,莫伊尼汉做错了许多事情。最大的败笔之一是银行借记卡收费风波,尽管美国银行最终在压力之下被迫决定将不会收取这笔费用,但此事依然让该行损失了不少客户。此外,跟其他银行的CEO一样,莫伊尼汉没有迅速阻止其抵押贷款业务部门出现的种种问题——美国银行业与州政府最终达成了一笔价值250亿美元的和解协议才算了事。

    对于莫伊尼汉来说,一个积极的情况或许是,其他大银行CEO的表现也半斤八两。自詹姆斯•戈尔曼接掌摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)以来(他履新的时间也是2010年初),这家银行的股价已经下跌了39%。潘伟迪担任花旗集团(Citigroup)CEO期间,花旗股价的下跌幅度高达89%。但他的任职时间横跨了金融危机最严重的时期,而莫伊尼汉和戈尔曼的数据并不包括这一时期。在梅奥看来,业绩最好的CEO是PNC金融服务集团(PNC Financial Services Group)的掌门人吉姆•罗尔。自从2000年中期接掌这家总部位于匹兹堡的银行(罗尔也由此成为美国顶级银行中任职时间最长的CEO)以来,这家银行的股价已累计上涨了43%。

    本周在芝加哥举行的特许金融分析师协会(CFA Institute)年度会议上,梅奥表示,过去银行可以依靠规模的不断扩大,逐渐摆脱它们的问题,但现在不良贷款、对银行资本充足率的新要求,以及增长机会的欠缺意味着这一幕这次不可能重演。他预测,这将是20世纪30年代以来,银行营收增速最糟糕的十年。“花旗集团和美国银行不应该维持现在的规模,它们需要瘦身。”


    Here's something Bank of America (BAC) shareholders might want to discuss at the firm's annual meeting: Based on its stock performance, Brian Moynihan ranks as the worst big bank CEO in the United States. And that's after this year's 40% rally in the bank's shares.

    On Wednesday, B of A shareholders will congregate in Charlotte for the bank's annual meeting. Among other things, shareholders will vote on whether to approve the pay packages of Moynihan and other executives. The majority of shareholders are expected to approve the payouts, in part because Moynihan took a pay cut of $3 million, making his $7 million payout for 2011 one of the smallest among bank CEOs. Based on the company's stock market performance, though, you might wonder if even that payout is too high.

    Michael Mayo, a bank analyst at Credit Agricole Securities, recently ranked current bank CEOs by the relative performance of their shares during the time since they took over the banks. Moynihan became the CEO of B of A in early 2010. Since that time the bank's shares have fallen 42%. That puts Moynihan at the bottom of the heap. It's not just the stock market performance. Mayo says there are a number of things that Moynihan has done wrong. One of the biggest was the bank debit card flip-flop, which turned off customers despite B of A eventually deciding under pressure that it wasn't going to charge the fee afterall. What's more Moynihan, like other bank CEO, was slow to stem the problems in its mortgage servicing division, which led to the $25 billion industrywide settlement with state AGs.

    The one positive, perhaps, for Moynihan, is that CEOs of other large banks aren't far behind. Shares of Morgan Stanley (MS) are down 39% since James Gorman started as the head of that firm, also in early 2010. Citigroup's shares are down a whopping 89% since Vikram Pandit took over the job as CEO of Citigroup (C). But that includes the heart of the financial crisis, which are not included in Moynihan's or Pandit's figures. The best performing CEO, according to Mayo, was Jim Rohr, who heads up PNC Financial Services Group (PNC). Since taking the helm of the Pittsburgh-based bank in mid-2000, making Rohr the longest service top bank CEO, the banks shares are up 43%.

    "In the past banks were able to grow out of their problems," Mayo said, speaking this week at the CFA Institute's annual conference in Chicago. But Mayo said bad loans, new capital requirements and a lack of opportunity means that's not going to be able to happen this time around. He predicts this will be the worst decade for sales growth at the banks since the 1930. "Citigroup and B of A should not be their current size. They need to shrink."
