

DORON LEVIN 2012-04-28



    美国《消费者报告》杂志(Consumer Reports)经常会对各种汽车做大量测试,同时也会对车主进行调查,然后根据用户的实际体验对车型进行排名。最近《消费者报告》对一些指标进行了分析,然后纯粹从拥有成本的角度出发,帮助消费者确定哪些替代能源汽车最不值得购买。因此,如果你现在正打算购买一台环保车,这些结果非常值得一读。


    The variety of cars that are gas-electric hybrids or run on batteries is greater than ever. There are many good reasons to purchase such a vehicle, from pumping out fewer emissions to feeling good about doing one's part. But saving money -- even at a time of sky-high gas prices -- isn't always one of them.

    While many models can save owners money compared to the equivalent gasoline-powered versions, others can cost quite a bit more, depending on the sticker price, depreciation rate and, naturally, the price of gasoline. Of course, the opposite can be true. The latest Prius model from Toyota proves its thrifty claims faster than most alt-fuel models, when compared with a similar model that runs on gasoline.

    Consumer Reports, which extensively tests automobiles and also rates them on the basis of real-world experience from surveyed owners, has analyzed the metrics that help determine which alternative-fuel vehicles are the least desirable to own, purely from a cost of ownership standpoint. The results were noteworthy, especially if you're shopping for a green vehicle.

Chevrolet Volt

    雪佛兰沃兰达(Chevrolet Volt)是一款电池动力轿车,不过它也搭载了一款供长途旅行的汽油发动机。归功于政府的优惠政策,它的售价大概在3.25万美金左右。它的性能与售价只有1.97万美元的科鲁兹(Cruze)相差无几。科鲁兹的油耗为每加仑26英里,沃兰达的油耗为每加仑61英里。按现行油价计算,一台沃兰达至少需要6年的时间,才能在油耗上抵消与科鲁兹的价差。因此科鲁兹现在已经成为通用(GM)雪佛兰家族的中流砥柱,而沃兰达的销量则没有达到通用的预期,也就没什么好奇怪的了。


    The Chevrolet Volt, a battery-powered sedan that also is equipped with a gasoline-engine for longer trips, costs about $32,500 when factoring in government incentives. At current gasoline prices it would take about six years of owning the Volt to justify its price premium over a $19,700 Chevrolet Cruze. The Cruze, rated at an average 26 miles per gallon, and the Volt, rated at 61 miles per gallon, resemble one another and perform similarly. It's hardly surprising that the Volt has fallen short of GM's sales expectations while the Cruze has turned into a mainstay of the automaker's Chevrolet brand.

Honda Insight



    Two of Honda's most fuel-efficient cars, the Insight and Fit, differ. The Insight, a gas-electric hybrid, is rated at 38 miles per gallon. But at a sale price of $18,970, it would take seven years to make up the price and operating cost premium over the Fit, which sells for $15,870 and is rated at an average 30 miles per gallon. If gasoline were to rise in price to $4.75 a gallon, then the Insight would make a bit more fiscal sense, as its payback period would drop to five years.   
