

Alex Taylor III 2012-03-02



    共和党人也不失时机地扇风点火。奥巴马的竞选对手们把油价上涨的责任都推到奥巴马头上,有些人还承诺等他们入主白宫后,会让油价降回落到每加仑2.5美元的水平。说不定他们还会带回来15美分一个的麦当劳汉堡呢。过不了多久,就会有一些人民公仆站出来说话,敦促政府开放战略石油储备(the Strategic Petroleum Reserve),以免美国人民把越来越多的钱花在这种日益萎缩的稀缺资源上。


Fuel for the fire

    Gas prices are spiking again -- $5 a gallon for regular in Los Angeles -- and drivers are predictably up in arms. The obligatory media frenzy is stoking their passions -- particularly on local news shows. An easy-to-understand camera-friendly story profiling angry citizens? There's a no-brainer for news directors.

    Politicians are certainly doing their part to fan the flames. Obama opponents are blaming the president, and some are even promising to bring back $2.50 a gallon gas. Maybe they'll bring back 15-cent McDonald's hamburgers, too. It won't be long before some public servant speaks up and urges the government to open the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to spare Americans from laying out more cash for a scarce and diminishing resource.

    Meanwhile, drivers who confused themselves with Saudi princes and indulged their inner gas-guzzler when fuel was cheap are paying the price at the pump with their weighty rides. Here are some of their most notable offenders.




Chevrolet Suburban

    The "Cowboy Cadillac" has been in production since 1935, making it the longest-lived automotive nameplate still on the road. That's a testament to its utility -- carrying up to nine passengers off-road -- and its profitability -- right at the top of GM's income statement. All that capability, however, requires nearly three tons of automobile powered by a V-8 engine that delivers only 15 miles per gallon in the city/21 mpg on the highway. With its 31-gallon fuel-tank, each Suburban fill-up will run you $100 or more.
