

 Patricia Sellers 2012-01-19
今年,作为Hearsay Social 首席执行官的史宗玮正好30岁,而此时也正是她与我们分享经验的最佳时刻。

    3. 多听少说。我们认为,处于社交媒体时代,商界的所有人在开口之前都应该学会倾听,这也是我们给公司起名为“Hearsay”的原因,我自己也一直努力在团队内部做到这一点。同样,我们在与客户打交道时,也始终遵循这一原则。另外,我们也鼓励客户在与他们的客户打交道时,采用同样的沟通方式。这是一个良性循环。

    4. 身先士卒。我深知,只有自己做到公开、透明和合作,才能激发其他人发扬同样的有点——并吸引更多优秀人士加盟Hearsay Social。每天,我会与东海岸第一个上线的销售人员一样早早开始工作,而到晚上,我会一直陪着加班到深夜的工程师。

    5. 要有一点儿小疯狂。2007年,我曾说过:“五年内,所有企业应用都会离不开社交媒体”。当时人们都认为我疯了。在当时看来,这种观点还难以被普遍接受。但我知道,在硅谷,凡事皆有可能。作为创业家,我们必须坚持梦想,并且坚定、执着地把梦想变成现实——创造一个全新的未来。


    3. Listen more than you talk. We named the company "Hearsay" because, in the social media era, it's important for everyone in business to listen before they talk. I strive to do this with my team. In turn, our company does this with our customers. And we urge our customers to adopt this approach with their customers. It's a virtuous circle.

    4. Lead by example. I know that only by being open, transparent, and collaborative can I inspire these same traits in others -- and attract more great people to Hearsay Social. So, everyday I try to get online as early as my first East-coast salesperson. And I stay as late in the office as our most bleary-eyed engineer.

    5. Be a little crazy. People thought I was crazy when I was quoted in 2007 as saying that "five years from now, no enterprise application won't be social." That idea seemed unfathomable then, but what I have come to realize is that, in Silicon Valley, anything is possible. As entrepreneurs, we must constantly dream and have the conviction and obsession to transform our dreams into reality – to create a future that never existed before.
