

《财富》 2011-11-15





    今年克莱斯勒的销量已经上涨了24%,超过了福特(Ford)销量增幅的两倍,比通用汽车(General Motors)快了60%——通用是美国汽车业另一个接受了美国政府破产保护的受益者。今年十月,这种差距表现得更为明显,克莱斯勒的销量跃升了27%,而通用和福特的销量只是分别上涨了2%和6%。

    汽车销售是个非常复杂的过程,中间有好几个关键的节点,因此克莱斯勒的突然成功愈发显得惹人瞩目。在汽车销售老手的圈子里,有所谓的“六个月销售漏斗”一说,也就是说消费者先是对车型产生认知,然后开始调查、熟悉行情,然后形成自己的看法,将购车范围缩小到某几款车型,最后经过慎重考虑,才去掏钱购买。这是个逐步缩小包围圈的过程。当被问到如何解释克莱斯勒今年的销量飙升时,克莱斯勒的一位发言人列出了好几个因素,包括车型的重新设计受到消费者的欢迎,从而带来了顾客感知度的提高;《消费者报告》(Consumer Reports)等第三方权威媒体的推荐;抓人眼球的广告;更清晰的品牌描述;租赁融资的范围扩大等。


The comeback kid

    How does an auto company, saddled with discount brands, outdated technology, and hand-me-down products, grow sales in a becalmed economy?

    That's Chrysler's secret sauce and it has been producing spectacular results. Left for dead by the side of the road two years ago, it has quietly rehabilitated itself and now stands as 2011's most accomplished full-line manufacturer.

    Chrysler has seen its sales rise 24% this year. That's 60% faster than General Motors, the industry's other beneficiary of a government-sponsored bankruptcy, and more than double the rate at Ford, its fair-haired boy. The difference was even more stark in October. Chrysler's sales jumped 27% vs. 2% for GM and 6% for Ford.

    Chrysler's sudden success is all the more remarkable because selling cars is a complicated process with multiple pivot points. Sales floor veterans talk about a six-month sales funnel, beginning with awareness and proceeding to research and familiarity, opinion and short list, consideration and, finally, purchase. When asked to explain Chrysler's surge this year, a spokesman offered a half-dozen factors, including improved customer perceptions due to well-received redesigns, third-party recommendations from authorities like Consumer Reports, attention-grabbing advertising, sharper brand delineations, and greater availability of lease financing.

    Here are some of the keys to Chrysler's current success -- and a key to more s opportunities that lie ahead.




Ram truck

    CEO Sergio Marchionne was widely questioned for his decision to split off Dodge's truck business and create a separate brand in Ram, but it has paid off handsomely. While GM and Ford each have four models among the top 20 selling vehicles, accounting for a big chunk of their total volume, Chrysler has only one: the Ram pickup. Customers snapped up 21,037 of the profit-rich haulers in October, up 21.5% from a year ago.
