

Alex Taylor III 2011-10-10
据称,大约600万女性观看了比赛,而曲线优美、可爱的菲亚特500因为广告上的拟人化表现成为了与大众甲壳虫和Mini Cooper同一档次的“女性车”。





    但是,批评者却对洛佩兹与这个意大利品牌之间的联系感到疑惑,称两者之间风马牛不相及,完全让人摸不着头脑。《广告时代》(Advertising Age)一位读者质问:“一位过气、平庸的女明星和一家寻求将自己的品牌重新打入美国市场的汽车公司之间到底有什么联系?只要付钱给她,她就会代言所有的东西。菲亚特居然跟她扯上关系,简直是让自己的品牌蒙羞。菲亚特的这个举措荒谬透顶。她染指的所有东西都变得毫无价值。她毫无品位可言,菲亚特会被拖累的。再见,宝贝。”

    If getting attention is the mark of successful advertising, then Fiat-Chrysler's chief marketing officer Olivier Francois is a genius.

    On Super Bowl Sunday, the Olympics of advertising, Francois won a gold medal with a two minute Chrysler commercial that used a decaying and decrepit Motor City as a backdrop to celebrate cars that are "imported from Detroit." The ad boosted consideration for the Chrysler brand 267% after it aired, according to Edmunds.com and has now been viewed nearly 13 million times on YouTube.

    That commercial starred fading rap star Eminem. Now Francois has used Jennifer Lopez, arguably another star somewhat past her prime, to create an extraordinary amount of buzz. For the past two weeks, Francois has aired a 30-second Fiat commercial showing a singing and dancing J.Lo plugging the 500 while fetchingly attired in a midriff-bearing blouse and pleated tap shorts.

    The spot was carved out of a nearly six-minute music video promoting her latest album that shows Lopez being mobbed by adoring male fans and causing traffic chaos while driving down the street in a Fiat 500. It concludes with Lopez leading the men in a dance routine seemingly lifted intact from an old Michael Jackson video.

    Critics are mystified about the connection between J.Lo and the Italian brand and have called have called irrelevant and pointless. Asked one reader of Advertising Age: "What is the association between a washed-up talentless diva and a car company that's looking to reintroduce its brand into the U.S.? She's endorsing anything and everything that will pay her to do so, and Fiat is muddying itself by associating with her. This is a completely nonsensical move on Fiat's part. Everything she touches becomes worthless. She has no brand and that will rub off onto Fiat. Ciao, baby."
